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Student Learning Outcomes
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After studying this chapter, you will be able to
  1. Describe how amino acids form proteins.
  2. Define essential and nonessential amino acids and explain why adequate amounts of each of the essential amino acids are required for protein synthesis.
  3. Distinguish between high-quality and low-quality proteins and list sources of each.
  4. Describe how 2 low-quality proteins can be complementary to each other to provide the required amounts of essential amino acids.
  5. Explain the methods used to measure the protein quality of foods.
  6. List the factors that influence protein needs.
  7. Calculate the RDA for protein for a healthy adult with a given body weight.
  8. Explain positive nitrogen balance, negative nitrogen balance, and nitrogen equilibrium and list the conditions under which they occur.
  9. Describe how protein is digested and absorbed in the body.
  10. List the primary functions of protein in the body.
  11. Describe the types of protein-energy malnutrition.
  12. Describe the symptoms and treatment of food allergies.
  13. Develop a vegetarian diet plan that meets the body's protein needs.

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