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Web Resources
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Exploring The Wasteland
Students will find this site an essential source for navigating Eliot's complicated masterpiece. The site translates foreign passages, identifies allusions, and provides commentary on different aspects of the poem. Another useful site along the same lines is "The Wasteland by T.S. Eliot as Hypertext." Students who wish to approach the poem with minimal annotation can find it at

Futurism: Manifestos and Other Resources
This website compiles a list of manifestos in which early twentieth century futurists explained their artistic philosophy. The site includes only a few images, but provides links to some online resources.
This website provides a good resource for learning about the history of surrealism and the careers of large number of surrealist artists. Unfortunately, the number of images on the website is limited.

DaDa Online
At this webpage, students can find representative images of dada plus biographical information about the most prominent figures in the movement. (The website also has a selection of dada poems; but almost all of them are in German.)

Katherine Dunham Center for Arts and Humanities
This website preserves the legacy of the renowned dancer and anthropologist Katherine Dunham. The site contains a number of still photos of dance performances, and links to a documentary with some video footage.

Internet Modern History Sourcebook
This website offers a range of selections from important texts related to the modern history, including a large number of writings related to the history of the first half of the twentieth century. Many of the documents are excerpts from larger works. The texts are arranged thematically.

The University of Adelaide Library: Marcel Proust
This website provides access to e-texts of all seven volumes of Proust's Remembrance of Things Past in English translation.

Harry Ransom Center: The Mike Wallace Interview
This video archive contains a number of interviews conducted by Mike Wallace with key figures from the mid twentieth century. Interview subjects include Frank Lloyd Wright, Aldous Huxley, and Salvador Dali.

Internet Archive: Battleship Potemkin
At this website, visitors can download a copy of the classic Russian film, or watch it online.

The Red Hot Jazz Archive
This website offers an introduction to the early history of jazz. It describes the careers of a large number of composers, including Duke Ellington and Louis Armstrong, and provides audio clips (and a few video clips) of their works.

New Zealand National Film Unit: Igor Stravinsky
At this website, visitors can view an eight minute clip of Igor Stravinsky conducting the New Zealand Symphony Orchestra.

Keeping Score: Revolutions in Music
This website, maintained by the San Francisco Symphony, offers multimedia explorations of the lives and works of prominent composers. The site blends images and music, with innovative features that shed new light on orchestral performances. Relevant sections on the site include Stravinsky: The Rite of Spring and Copland: The American Sound.

Art History Resources on the Web: Twenty-Century Art
This website doesn't contain original material; instead it provides access to dozens of links to other sites covering a variety of topics related to twentieth-century art (as well as that of many other cultures and time periods). The links are divided into categories such as fauvism, cubism, abstract expressionism, futurism, and more.

Timeline of Art History: European Art in the Twentieth Century
This website, maintained by the Metropolitan Museum of Art, provides access to a good combination of images and thematic essays divided according to culture, time period, and medium. The site contains many pages dedicated to aspects of twentieth-century art and culture, including "The Bauhaus, 1919-1933," "Fauvism," and "Pablo Picasso." See also the section on American Art in the Twentieth Century on the same site.

Art Cyclopedia
This compendious website catalogues links to other sites (usually museum websites) where students can find images of the works of specific artists of the twentieth century (sometimes the links identify the specific artwork as well). The index helpfully divides artists into movements and eras such as "Harlem Renaissance," "Magical Realism," "Fauvism," "Dada," and much more.

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