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Self-Assessment Quiz
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The sacraments are best described as
A)heresies that challenged Christian orthodoxy.
B)methods of enforcing religious conformity by punishing offenders.
C)a set of sacred acts granting God's grace.
D)the revealed truths of Christian faith.
E)dramatic productions which brought Biblical stories to life.
Hildegard of Bingen contended that the Scivias was inspired by
A)the rational contemplation of nature.
B)a textual analysis of Holy Scripture.
C)a voice from heaven.
D)the writings of early Christian thinkers.
E)the works of Greek philosophers.
All of the following are true of St. Francis EXCEPT
A)he adopted a vow of poverty.
B)he dedicated himself to preaching.
C)he sought to aid the poor and sick.
D)he adopted the mendicant (begging) lifestyle.
E)he was declared a heretic by the church.
Medieval towns
A)grew out of local markets.
B)were populated by merchants and craftsmen.
C)had guilds that regulated trade.
D)were largely self-governing.
E)All these answers are correct.
Which of the following statements about Dante's Commedia is FALSE?
A)It is divided into three parts representing the Aristotelian divisions of the human psyche.
B)It is divided into three parts representing the potential moral conditions of the human soul.
C)It celebrates human reason's superiority over Christianity's divine mysteries.
D)It was written in vernacular Italian instead of Latin.
E)Its design was based in part on sacred numerology.
All of the following are true of medieval universities EXCEPT that they
A)began as guilds of students and teachers.
B)taught courses in liberal arts.
C)taught courses in law, theology, or medicine.
D)required students to pass oral exams to earn B.A. degrees.
E)accepted men and women alike.
Which of the following statements about scholasticism is most accurate?
A)Scholastics rejected the works of Aristotle because he was a pagan.
B)Scholastics rejected reason as spiritually dangerous.
C)Scholastics argued logically against faith.
D)Scholastics sought to reconcile reason and faith.
E)Scholastics rejected the validity of revealed wisdom and truth.
The entrances to most Romanesque churches were located facing the west, a direction which symbolized
C)the resurrection of Christ.
D)an open welcome to all visitors.
E)darkness and sin.
Gothic cathedrals
A)were usually dedicated to the Virgin Mary.
B)used pointed arches and ribbed vaults.
C)were built with flying buttresses.
D)featured stained glass windows.
E)All these questions are correct.
Gothic art was NOT commonly used for which of the following purposes?
A)to illustrate manuscripts
B)to decorate domestic interiors
C)as didactic frescoes
D)as altar pieces
E)Gothic artwork was commonly used for all of these purposes.
Which of the following is true of medieval music?
A)Instruments were not used during religious services.
B)There was no system of musical notation.
C)Polyphonic (many-voiced) music developed.
D)Hymns were dropped from masses.
E)Music was only performed inside the church.
One landmark of medieval Hindu religious culture was the
A)Bodhisattva (Enlightened One).
B)Shiva Nataraja (Lord of the Dance).
C)Dies Irae (Day of Wrath).
D)Ordo virtutum (Play of the Virtues).
E)Scivias (Know the Ways).
The most popular pilgrimage site in late medieval Christendom, accessible by four major routes, was
B)Santiago de Compostela.
C)Saint Denis.
D)Saint Gall.
Florence, the home of Dante, is located
A)in Germany on the Danube River.
B)in France on the Rhine River.
C)on the Italian peninsula.
D)on the Mediterranean coast.
E)in Spain.
Paris, the center of theological study in the Middle Ages, is located along the
A)Seine River.
B)Rhine River.
C)Po River.
D)Danube River.
E)Atlantic River.

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