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Web Resources
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Art of Mali from the Collections of the Virginia Museum of Fine
This website provides images of a few pieces of West African artwork, accompanied by descriptions explaining their origins and uses. The site also offers a brief history of Mali.

Culture Kiosque: African Masks
At this website, visitors can read a brief introductory essay about West African masks, and examine photographs of twenty-four examples.

African Art: Aesthetics and Meaning
This website displays images of African artwork held by the Bayly Art Museum of the University of Virginia. The online exhibit features masks, figurines, and other types of West African art.

The Story of Africa: BBC World Service
This website provides an overview of African history from the "dawn of time" to the present day, with several sections on West Africa. Audio clips accompany each section, as do a good number of links to other sites.

Internet African History Sourcebook
This valuable website provides access to text documents and images related to African history, as well as links to other useful sites. The sources are divided into topics, such as "African Societies," "The Impact of Slavery," and "European Imperialism."

Internet Modern History Sourcebook: The Early Modern World
A companion to the site described above, and similar in structure and content, this website provides access to documents related to the European Age of Exploration, and show the European perspective of the encounters among new peoples. See also the pages dedicated to Colonial North America and Colonial Latin America on the same site.

Mesoweb: An Exploration of Mesoamerican Cultures
This website offers a number of features, including both scholarly articles and images of Maya sculptures.

The Maya Ruins Page
This website compiles modern photographs of Maya ruins on the Yucatan Peninsula, annotated with excerpts from scholarly resources. The site provides a good introduction to Maya architectural landmarks.

The Metropolitan Museum of Art: Arts of Africa, Oceania, and the Americas
This website presents images of a large number of African and American sculptures. Although the site does not provide much explanation or background of the items, the collection allows students to compare the styles of African and American artists.

Mesoamerican Photo Archives
Maintained by a graduate student in anthropology at Tulane University, this website provides access to a large number of photographs of Mesoamerican ruins, sculptures, carvings, and other artworks.

Machu Picchu
This Peruvian website offers a history and description of Machu Picchu, accompanied by photographs of the mountainous Inkan city.

Art History Resources on the Web: Art of the Americas
This impressive website provides a large number of links to websites containing content related to Native American artworks. The links are subdivided according to culture and time period. See also the corresponding page about African art on the same site.

Timeline of Art History
This website, maintained by the Metropolitan Museum of Art, provides access to a good combination of images and thematic essays divided according to culture, time period, and medium. The site has extensive sections dedicated to African and American art.

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