activity-based costing | Allocation of overhead to specific jobs based on their percentage of activities.
andon | System of lights used at each workstation to signal problems or slowdowns.
autonomation | Automatic detection of defects during production.
5W2H approach | A method of asking questions about a process that includes what, why, where, when, who, how, and how much.
heijunka | Workload leveling.
housekeeping | Maintaining a workplace that is clean and free of unnecessary materials.
jidoka | Quality at the source (autonomation).
just-in-time (JIT) | A highly coordinated processing system in which goods move through the system, and services are performed, just as they are needed.
kaizen | Continuous improvement of the system.
kanban | A manual system that signals the need for parts or materials.
lean operation | A flexible system that uses minimal resources and produces high-quality goods or services.
muda | Waste and inefficiency.
poka-yoke | Safeguards built into a process to reduce the possibility of errors.
preventive maintenance | Maintaining equipment in good operating condition and replacing parts that have a tendency to fail before they actually do fail.
pull system | Replacing material or parts based on demand.
push system | Work is pushed to the next station as it is completed.
single-minute exchange of die (SMED) | A system for reducing changeover time.
takt time | The cycle time needed to match customer demand for final product.
value stream mapping | A visual tool to systematically examine the flow of materials and information.