WHERE STORIES COME FROM- News stories usually come from:
- events that are sudden and unpredictable;
- events that are scheduled and predictable;
- news releases alerting the media to noteworthy events or topics;
- ideas generated by readers, editors or reporters; and
- your own ideas.
FINDING AND USING SOURCES - Sources provide the raw material that reporters turn into stories. Without them, there is no news. Reporters are only as good as their sources.
- Every reporter must learn how to:
- select sources for relevance;
- check sources for accuracy;
- balance sources for fairness; and
- cultivate sources for tips and future story ideas.
- The more sources you use, the better the depth, context and reliability of your reporting will be.
- The main types of sources to consult:
- newsmakers
- spokespeople
- experts
- official records
- reference material
- ordinary people
- What does it mean to "attribute" something to a source?
- What do journalists mean when they talk about "anonymous" sources?
- How do you decide whether a source is reliable?
USING THE INTERNET - For the reporter, the Web is the ultimate research tool—if you use it in an efficient, responsible way.
The Reporter's Webliography - Research & reference suggestions
- Useful search engines
- Journalism tips & tools
The Eleventh Commandment: Thou Shalt Not Plagiarize - Plagiarism can ruin a reporter's career. Some ways to avoid committing plagiarism:
- quote and credit the source;
- paraphrase, while still crediting the source; and
- rework and reword the idea until it's more yours that theirs.
Internet Search Tips from the Pros- Try using directories AND search engines.
- Bookmark your favorite search sites and get familiar with them.
- Keep keywords as specific as possible.
- Study the site's search syntax.
- Watch your spelling.
- Before you link to Web sites, study their addresses to assess their professionalism.
Whom Do You Trust? Evaluating a Web Site's Reliability- Authority
- Accuracy
- Objectivity
- Timeliness
Beyond the BasicsOBSERVATION - The ability to observe events accurately and record details faithfully is the secret to great reporting.
- Sight
- Sound
- Action
- Emotion
TAKING NOTES - What's the best way to record the facts and quotes you gather for a story? It all starts with your notebook.
- A typical page in a reporter's notebook
- Which is the best way to take notes? A look at the pros and cons of:
- notebooks
- tape recorders
- typing
INTERVIEWING Ask Yourself: "Which Type of Interview Should This Be?" - Long, formal interview
- Quick phoner
- Walkaround
- On-the-fly chat
- Backgrounder
Tips for Successful Interviews: Before, During and After- Setting up the interview
- Preparing for the interview
- During the interview
- After the interview
Always Strive for Racial and Gender Balance
"On the Record," "Off the Record," "On Background" and "On Deep Background" QUOTATIONS - Quotes make stories more appealing and believable.
- How do you use quotes in a story?
- Direct quotes
- Partial quotes
- Paraphrasing
- Dialogues
Advice and Suggestions- Problems to avoid when using quotes in stories (eight tips)
- Punctuation advice for using quotes in stories
ATTRIBUTIONS - Collect facts, opinions and quotes from the best possible sources—then attribute them.
Nine Guidelines for Wording and Positioning Attributions
Should It Be "Said" or "Says"? - News stories are almost always written in the past tense.
- But the present tense is appropriate for reviews, feature stories and broadcast newswriting.
Examples of Attribution in a Typical News Story MATH FOR JOURNALISTS - Using figures can help make your stories more relevant and readable.
- A brief review of:
- calculating percentages
- figuring the mean and the median
- working with polls and surveys
- Reporter's Guide to Information Charts and Graphs:
- pie charts
- line charts
- bar charts
- fast facts