Mass Media Law
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Table of Contents

Mass Media Law , 18/e

Don R. Pember, University of Washington
Clay Calvert, University of Florida

ISBN: 0073526185
Copyright year: 2013

Table of Contents

  1 The American Legal System

  2 The First Amendment: The Meaning of Freedom

  3 The First Amendment: Contemporary Problems

  4 Libel: Establishing a Case

  5 Libel: Proof of Fault

  6 Libel: Defenses and Damages

  7 Invasion of Privacy: Appropriation and Intrusion

  8 Invasion of Privacy: Publication of Private Information and False Light

  9 Gathering Information: Records and Meetings

10 Protection of News Sources/Contempt Power

11 Free Press–Fair Trial: Trial-Level Remedies and Restrictive Orders

12 Free Press–Fair Trial: Closed Judicial Proceedings

13 Regulation of Obscene and Other Erotic Material

14 Copyright

15 Regulation of Advertising

16 Telecommunications Regulation

Table of Cases

Table of Contents (130.0K)

Mass Media Law

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