1 | The communication process is initiated by the: |
 | A) | message |
 | B) | receiver |
 | C) | source |
 | D) | channel |
2 | The interpretation of physical message into a form that has eventual meaning for a receiver is called: |
 | A) | coding |
 | B) | recoding |
 | C) | decoding |
 | D) | encoding |
3 | Receivers can be: |
 | A) | a group |
 | B) | a single person |
 | C) | an institution |
 | D) | all of these |
4 | An increase in noise _________ message fidelity. |
 | A) | increases |
 | B) | decreases |
 | C) | does not affect |
 | D) | expands |
5 | In machine-assisted interpersonal communication: |
 | A) | source and receiver can be separated by time and space |
 | B) | messages can have permanence |
 | C) | messages can be amplified or transmitted over large distances |
 | D) | all of these |
6 | Mass communication refers to the process by which a complex organization with the aid of one or more machines produces and transmits public messages that are directed at large, scattered audiences that are: |
 | A) | heterogeneous |
 | B) | homogenous |
 | C) | related |
 | D) | specific |
7 | Message termination is easiest in: |
 | A) | interpersonal communication |
 | B) | mass communication |
 | C) | machine-assisted interpersonal communication |
 | D) | none of these |
8 | Mass communication organizations: |
 | A) | have multiple gatekeepers |
 | B) | require little money to operate |
 | C) | exist regardless of profit |
 | D) | are non-competitive |
9 | The following is an example of a media vehicle: |
 | A) | newspapers and magazines |
 | B) | radio stations |
 | C) | TV networks |
 | D) | All of these |
10 | In a communication setting, encoding may take place only once. |
 | A) | True |
 | B) | False |
11 | Encoding becomes less important in machine-assisted interpersonal communication. |
 | A) | True |
 | B) | False |
12 | Interpersonal communication can occur between two people without being in each other's physical presence. |
 | A) | True |
 | B) | False |
13 | The receiver in the machine-assisted setting can be a single person only. |
 | A) | True |
 | B) | False |
14 | The term mass media refers to the messages carried to the public by vehicles such as TV, radio, and magazines, and the Internet. |
 | A) | True |
 | B) | False |
15 | Examples of user-generated content include YouTube, MySpace, Flickr, and Wikipedia. |
 | A) | True |
 | B) | False |
16 | The emerging trends in mass communication are audience segmentation, convergence, disintermediation, increasing audience control, and multiple platforms. |
 | A) | True |
 | B) | False |