1 | Which media research method allows researchers to be more confident in attributing patterns of cause and effect, and is done by collecting data from the same people at two or more different points of time? |
 | A) | survey |
 | B) | panel study |
 | C) | experiment |
 | D) | quasi-experiment |
2 | Television has been charged with stereotyping and misrepresenting: |
 | A) | crime and law enforcement |
 | B) | sex-role portrayals |
 | C) | mental illness |
 | D) | all of these |
3 | The tendency of differences to disappear among heavy-television viewing people, apparently because of cultural and social factors is called: |
 | A) | resonance |
 | B) | mainstreaming |
 | C) | agenda-setting effect |
 | D) | catharsis theory |
4 | The influence of the mass media created by emphasizing certain topics, thus causing people to perceive those same issues as important is called: |
 | A) | resonance |
 | B) | mainstreaming |
 | C) | agenda-setting effect |
 | D) | catharsis theory |
5 | The idea that the media tells us what to think about, and how to think about it, is called: |
 | A) | framing |
 | B) | agenda-setting |
 | C) | reinforcement |
 | D) | crystallization |
6 | The relationship between the viewing of violence and aggressive behavior is: |
 | A) | very strong |
 | B) | curvilinear |
 | C) | influenced by individual and cultural factors |
 | D) | an inverse relationship |
7 | The idea that viewing scenes of aggression can purge the viewer's own aggressive feelings is called: |
 | A) | stimulation theory |
 | B) | sublimation |
 | C) | prosocial behavior |
 | D) | catharsis theory |
8 | The ultimate effect of viewing televised violence can be influenced by a person's: |
 | A) | age and sex |
 | B) | social class |
 | C) | prior level of aggression |
 | D) | all of these |
9 | Recent studies have found that heavy users of the Internet ___________ than those who spent less time online. |
 | A) | felt more loneliness |
 | B) | were more socially isolated |
 | C) | were more politically involved |
 | D) | none of these |
10 | The two main information-gathering methods that scientists have used to study media effects are surveys and experiments. |
 | A) | True |
 | B) | False |
11 | Panel studies are inexpensive and can be completed fairly quickly compared with other research methods. |
 | A) | True |
 | B) | False |
12 | Parents, friends, school, and the mass media are all considered agencies of socialization. |
 | A) | True |
 | B) | False |
13 | A field experiment is performed in a laboratory. |
 | A) | True |
 | B) | False |
14 | Resonance occurs when a respondent's real-life experiences are congruent with those of the television world, thereby leading to a greater cultivation effect. |
 | A) | True |
 | B) | False |
15 | Overall, blogs have high credibility ratings. |
 | A) | True |
 | B) | False |