1 | In 1455, the first book Johann Gutenberg printed on a moveable metal type press was a(n): |
 | A) | dictionary |
 | B) | encyclopedia |
 | C) | bible |
 | D) | atlas |
2 | The commercialization of publishing was brought about by: |
 | A) | agents negotiating the best bottom line |
 | B) | houses publishing popular works of fiction |
 | C) | a sluggish economy forcing houses to depend on banks |
 | D) | all of these |
3 | Digital books are known as: |
 | A) | MyBooks |
 | B) | e-books |
 | C) | iBooks |
 | D) | digital books |
4 | An advantage of printing on demand is: |
 | A) | the elimination of expensive production and shipping costs |
 | B) | publishers can make money on books that sell only a few hundred copies |
 | C) | special interest books can now be printed that would have been too expensive to publish with the traditional method |
 | D) | all of these |
5 | The book publishing industry is divided into 3 segments: |
 | A) | publishers, distributors, and retailers |
 | B) | trade, religious, and professional |
 | C) | mail order, college, and audiovisual |
 | D) | fiction, nonfiction, religious |
6 | The world's largest educational publisher is: |
 | A) | McGraw Hill |
 | B) | Time-Warner Publishing |
 | C) | Pearson Publishing |
 | D) | Thompson/Wadsworth |
7 | Type style, composition, paper, printing, and binding are the responsibility of which publishing department? |
 | A) | editorial |
 | B) | production |
 | C) | marketing |
 | D) | general administration (or business) |
8 | Editors acquire books from the following source: |
 | A) | agents |
 | B) | authors |
 | C) | their own ideas |
 | D) | all of these |
9 | The main source of publishing income is: |
 | A) | book sales and subsidiary rights |
 | B) | foreign markets |
 | C) | e-commerce |
 | D) | marketing and editorial production |
10 | The most important form of audience feedback in the book industry comes from: |
 | A) | BPA |
 | B) | MRI |
 | C) | Best-Seller Lists |
 | D) | Niesen BookScan |
11 | Studies show that book reading is not tied to income or education. |
 | A) | True |
 | B) | False |
12 | The paperback boom of the 1880s prompted the adoption of a new copyright law. |
 | A) | True |
 | B) | False |
13 | After World War II, expanded leisure time and more disposable income made book reading a popular means of recreation. |
 | A) | True |
 | B) | False |
14 | Books are one of the most "mass" of the mass media. |
 | A) | True |
 | B) | False |
15 | Advances and acquisition rights are two of the big expenses in publishing. |
 | A) | True |
 | B) | False |
16 | A recent survey found the biggest increase in literary reading was among 18- to 24-year-olds. |
 | A) | True |
 | B) | False |