Design of Machinery
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Student Edition
Instructor Edition
Design of Machinery: An Introduction to the Synthesis and Analysis of Mechanisms and Machines, 5/e

Robert L. Norton, Worcester Polytechnic Institution

ISBN: 0073529354
Copyright year: 2012

Now in its fifth edition, Design of Machinery, offers the most comprehensive and practical instruction in the design of machinery. The tradition of excellence continues with this best-selling book through its balanced coverage of analysis and design and outstanding use of realistic engineering examples. The text succeeds in conveying the art of design as well as the use of modern tools needed for analysis of the kinematics and dynamics of machinery. Analytical synthesis of linkages is covered, and cam design is given a more thorough, practical, and correct treatment than found in any other texts on kinematics.

Key Features of the Fifth Edition

  • A new chapter on cam- and servo-driven linkages has been added.
  • Over 50 new problem and project assignments have been added.
  • PDF files of the Hrones and Nelson Atlas of Coupler Curves are on the DVD.
  • Eighteen instructional videos are included on the DVD that provide lecture/demonstration tutorials by the author on subjects such as position synthesis, coupler curves and cognates, the Grashof condition, etc.
  • Videos of two virtual laboratories that replicate lab exercises used at Worcester Polytechnic Institute are included on the DVD.
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