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Multiple Choice Quiz
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The difference between emotional wellness and psychological health is that psychological health is
A)a broader concept.
B)more difficult to achieve.
C)defined in terms of therapies.
D)not a widely accepted concept.
Psychologically healthy people tend
A)not to trust others.
B)to accept life's disappointments.
C)to blame others for their mistakes.
D)to be concerned about the present, not the future.
It is generally accepted that self-esteem comes from
A)other people's opinion of you.
B)consistently putting other people's needs ahead of yours.
C)within ourselves.
D)material possessions.
The term self-concept refers to
A)an individual's internal picture of himself.
B)the ability to understand others and act wisely.
C)an individual's sense of pride, value, and worth.
D)the ability to manage one's emotions.
The cornerstone of emotional intelligence is
A)handling relationships.
B)recognizing emotions in others.
C)motivating yourself.
D)knowing your emotions.
Which of the following BEST illustrates an emotionally healthy response?
A)When your cat dies, you think it might be silly to cry, but you cry anyway.
B)When a character in a movie dies, you decide that it would be silly to cry, so you laugh.
C)When your father dies, you keep your composure to be a source of strength for your mother.
D)When your friend does something that makes you very angry, you want to protect the relationship, so you tell her not to worry about it.
According to Abraham Maslow, before the basic needs of belonging and love can be met, which other needs must to be satisfied first?
A)physiological needs, metaneeds
B)physiological needs, safety and security
C)esteem needs, safety and security
D)metaneeds, safety and security
Individuals who allow others to mistreat them, don't take care of themselves, and have difficulty being by themselves, tend to have low
D)Emotional intelligence.
Which of the following has been shown to have a positive effect on reducing coronary heart disease, and increase longevity?
A)how you were brought up.
B)spiritual health.
C)the innate part of your personality.
D)creative expression.
The effect that the environment has on personality refers to

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