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Internet Exercises
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1. Australian Aborigine Spirituality: Go to the "Stories of the Dreaming" web page ( Read the pages on storytelling, dreaming, custodianship, and sacred texts. Then go to the Stories page and listen to or watch one of the stories.

What role does storytelling play in Australian Aborigine society?
What is "dreaming"?
Who maintains and transmits the stories today?
In what ways is access to certain stories restricted? Today, who "owns" these stories in a legal sense?
What stories or oral traditions did you grow up with? What kinds of information or morals did these stories convey?

2. Medicine Men: Go to and read the interview with Ecuadorian medicine men by Elisabet Sahtouris at

How does one become a medicine man?
Do all medicine men focus their efforts on healing people? Are all good?
What role does natem play?
Are the tasks that medicine men perform incompatible with the role of Western medicine? Do they attempt to perform the same functions?

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