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Multiple Choice Quiz
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Recent studies of depression challenge the common presumption that
A)depressed people are negative thinkers.
B)more women than men suffer major depressive episodes.
C)depressed people are unrealistic.
D)a depressed mood has both cognitive and behavioral consequences.
Research on loneliness indicates that
A)lonely people see most things as within their control.
B)lonely people are more realistic than those who do not report feelings of loneliness.
C)loneliness always coincides with aloneness.
D)lonely people tend to perceive others in negative ways.
When researchers had depressed and nondepressed college students observe whether their pressing a button was linked with whether a light came on, the results indicated that
A)the depressed underestimated their degree of control.
B)those without depression underestimated their degree of control.
C)the depressed were quite accurate in estimating their degree of control.
D)the nondepressed were quite accurate in estimating their degree of control.
Research on the social thinking of people who are vulnerable to depression indicates that
A)depression is both a cause and a consequence of their negative thinking.
B)they have surprisingly positive self-concepts.
C)males and females who are depressed think very differently from one another.
D)they are more vulnerable to both illusory correlation and the fundamental attribution error.
Compared to nondepressed people, depressed people are more likely to attribute their failures and setbacks to causes that are
D)all of these.
According to Martin Seligman, the decline of religion and family, and the growth of the "you can do it" idea, has led to an increase in
A)character disorders.
In contrast to those who are not lonely, lonely people tend to
A)spend more time talking about themselves when conversing with a stranger.
B)blame others for their problems.
C)be more susceptible to the illusion of control.
D)idealize members of the opposite sex.
Brodt and Zimbardo found that shy women were no longer shy when they
A)were provided an alternative explanation for symptoms of anxiety.
B)consumed alcohol before interacting with others.
C)discovered that most people feel shy.
D)were taught to blame their failures on circumstances beyond their control.
After students were induced to write essays praising themselves, they were more likely to
A)express higher self-esteem in private self-ratings.
B)make the fundamental attribution error.
C)show hostility to a stranger.
D)rationalize their failure to help a person in need.
All of the following psychotherapy techniques rely on the "attitudes-follow-behavior" principle EXCEPT
A)assertiveness training.
B)rational-emotive therapy.
C)self-help groups.
Explanatory style therapy attempts to teach depressed people to
A)accept credit for their successes and to note how circumstances make things go wrong.
B)avoid the fundamental attribution error.
C)attribute their depression to their own personality traits.
D)focus on others rather than on themselves.
Chronically lonely people tend to blame ____________ for their poor social relationships.
A)their parents or early childhood experiences
C)the uncaring attitudes of the people around them
D)cultural values and patterns
Which theory has been used to explain why we sometimes feel anxious in social situations?
A)self-perception theory
B)cognitive dissonance theory
C)self-presentation theory
D)social impact theory
Philip suffers from chronic depression. How is he likely to respond when told that he failed the test to renew his driver's license?
A)"Yesterday was just my unlucky day."
B)"I imagine very few people have passed that same test."
C)"The person giving the test is incompetent."
D)"I am a poor driver and always will be."
Valerie is a mildly depressed college student. Based on the research on depression presented in your textbook, we can predict that she also
A)suffers from the better-than-average phenomenon.
B)assumes that her behavior is well-accepted by others.
C)demonstrates the sadder-but-wiser effect.
D)is below average in intelligence.

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