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Activity 27.1 Passionate Love
(See related pages)

(with permission of E. Hatfield)

In this questionnaire you will be asked to describe how you feel when you are passionately in love. Some common terms for this feeling are passionate love, infatuation, love sickness, or obsessive love.

Please think of the person whom you love most passionately right now. If you are not in love right now, please think of the last person you loved passionately. If you have never been in love, think of the person whom you came closest to caring for in that way. Keep this person in mind as you complete this questionnaire. (The person you choose should be of the opposite sex if you are heterosexual or of the same sex if you are homosexual.) Try to tell us how you felt at the time when your feelings were the most intense.

1Since I've been involved with __________, my emotions have been on a roller coaster.
A)Not at all true
B)Moderately true
C)Definitely true

2I would feel deep despair if __________ left me.
A)Not at all true
B)Moderately true
C)Definitely true

3Sometimes my body trembles with excitement at the sight of __________.
A)Not at all true
B)Moderately true
C)Definitely true

4I take delight in studying the movements and angles of __________'s body.
A)Not at all true
B)Moderately true
C)Definitely true

5Sometimes I feel I can't control my thoughts; they are obsessively on __________.
A)Not at all true
B)Moderately true
C)Definitely true

6I feel happy when I am doing something to make __________ happy.
A)Not at all true
B)Moderately true
C)Definitely true

7I would rather be with __________ than anyone else.
A)Not at all true
B)Moderately true
C)Definitely true

8I'd get jealous if I thought __________ were falling in love with someone else.
A)Not at all true
B)Moderately true
C)Definitely true

9No one else could love __________ like I do.
A)Not at all true
B)Moderately true
C)Definitely true

10I yearn to know all about __________.
A)Not at all true
B)Moderately true
C)Definitely true

11I want __________--physically, emotionally, mentally.
A)Not at all true
B)Moderately true
C)Definitely true

12I will love __________ forever.
A)Not at all true
B)Moderately true
C)Definitely true

13I melt when looking deeply into __________'s eyes.
A)Not at all true
B)Moderately true
C)Definitely true

14I have an endless appetite for affection from __________.
A)Not at all true
B)Moderately true
C)Definitely true

15For me, __________ is the perfect romantic partner.
A)Not at all true
B)Moderately true
C)Definitely true

16__________ is the person who can make me feel the happiest.
A)Not at all true
B)Moderately true
C)Definitely true

17I sense my body responding when __________ touches me.
A)Not at all true
B)Moderately true
C)Definitely true

18I feel tender toward __________.
A)Not at all true
B)Moderately true
C)Definitely true

19__________ always seems to be on my mind.
A)Not at all true
B)Moderately true
C)Definitely true

20If I were separated from __________ for a long time, I would feel intensely lonely.
A)Not at all true
B)Moderately true
C)Definitely true

21I sometimes find it difficult to concentrate on work because thoughts of __________ occupy my mind.
A)Not at all true
B)Moderately true
C)Definitely true

22I want __________ to know me--my thoughts, my fears, and my hopes.
A)Not at all true
B)Moderately true
C)Definitely true

23Knowing that __________ cares about me makes me feel complete.
A)Not at all true
B)Moderately true
C)Definitely true

24I eagerly look for signs indicating __________'s desire for me.
A)Not at all true
B)Moderately true
C)Definitely true

25If __________ were going through a difficult time, I would put away my own concerns to help him/her out.
A)Not at all true
B)Moderately true
C)Definitely true

26__________ can make me feel effervescent and bubbly.
A)Not at all true
B)Moderately true
C)Definitely true

27In the presence of __________, I yearn to touch and be touched.
A)Not at all true
B)Moderately true
C)Definitely true

28An existence without __________ would be dark and dismal.
A)Not at all true
B)Moderately true
C)Definitely true

29I possess a powerful attraction for __________.
A)Not at all true
B)Moderately true
C)Definitely true

30I get extremely depressed when things don't go right in my relationship with __________.
A)Not at all true
B)Moderately true
C)Definitely true

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