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Module Review
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Albert Bandura merges research on optimism and feelings of control into a concept of , that is, the sense that one is competent and effective.

People with an internal are more likely than those who feel that control exists outside themselves to do well in school, wear seat belts, and delay gratification to achieve long-term goals.

Dogs that learn a sense of will later fail to take the initiative in another situation when they could escape punishment. Systems of governing or managing people that give them personal promote health and happiness.

The chief source of self-efficacy is the experience of . The healthiest attitude, however, mixes ample thinking to provide hope with enough realism to discriminate those things we can control from those we cannot.

self-esteem is linked to depression, drug abuse, and some forms of delinquency. Teen gang leaders and terrorists, however, tend to have than average self-esteem.

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