1 |  |  Which of the following is an example of an internalizing disorder? |
|  | A) | aggression |
|  | B) | substance abuse |
|  | C) | truancy |
|  | D) | anxiety |
2 |  |  Which of the following refers to the maladaptive use of drugs, including legal drugs such as alcohol or nicotine and illegal drugs such as pot, cocaine, and LSD? |
|  | A) | comorbidity |
|  | B) | truancy |
|  | C) | substance abuse |
|  | D) | negative affectivity |
3 |  |  Which one of the following is not associated with delinquency? |
|  | A) | violence |
|  | B) | defiance |
|  | C) | truancy |
|  | D) | sexual abstinence |
4 |  |  Which type of disorders are likely to begin during childhood? |
|  | A) | anxiety disorders |
|  | B) | mood disorders |
|  | C) | drug-related disorders |
|  | D) | alcohol-related disorders |
5 |  |  Disorders in which the young person's problems are turned outward (i.e., "acting out") are: |
|  | A) | externalizing disorders. |
|  | B) | antisocial behavior disorders. |
|  | C) | aggressive disorders. |
|  | D) | internalizing disorders. |
6 |  |  According to Jessor and colleagues, the underlying cause of externalizing problems during adolescence is "unconventionality," which includes all of the following, except: |
|  | A) | risk-taking behaviors. |
|  | B) | conservative views. |
|  | C) | weak connections to school. |
|  | D) | tolerance of deviance. |
7 |  |  Examples of risk-taking behaviors include all of the following, except: |
|  | A) | experimentation with illegal drugs. |
|  | B) | having sex with contraception. |
|  | C) | delinquent activity. |
|  | D) | "fast and furious"–type driving. |
8 |  |  Rank the following substances in the likelihood that a high school senior has ever tried it (with the first one being the substance that the most American high school seniors have tried). |
|  | A) | alcohol, prescription drugs, marijuana |
|  | B) | alcohol, marijuana, steroids |
|  | C) | cigarettes, alcohol, marijuana |
|  | D) | alcohol, steroids, cigarettes |
9 |  |  The theoretical explanation that links problem behavior syndrome with a lack of strong bonds to societal institutions is known as: |
|  | A) | antisocial tendency theory. |
|  | B) | diathesis-stress theory. |
|  | C) | problem behavior theory. |
|  | D) | social control theory. |
10 |  |  According to proponents of social control theory, individuals who would be most likely to exhibit problem behavior syndrome would: |
|  | A) | not have strong bonds to society's institutions. |
|  | B) | have strong attachments to school. |
|  | C) | have strong attachments to family. |
|  | D) | have strong attachments to place of worship. |
11 |  |  There tends to be a high level of comorbidity in internalizing disorders, which tends to share the subjective state of: |
|  | A) | excitement. |
|  | B) | relaxation. |
|  | C) | distress. |
|  | D) | wonderment. |
12 |  |  Individuals who become distressed easily are said to display: |
|  | A) | comorbidity. |
|  | B) | negative emotionality. |
|  | C) | ADHD. |
|  | D) | antisocial tendency. |
13 |  |  What is the most widely abused drug among adolescents? |
|  | A) | alcohol |
|  | B) | cigarettes |
|  | C) | Ecstasy |
|  | D) | marijuana |
14 |  |  According to the University of Michigan survey "Monitoring the Future," approximately what percentage of American high school seniors have tried marijuana? |
|  | A) | 10 |
|  | B) | 25 |
|  | C) | 33 |
|  | D) | 46 |
15 |  |  What is the only drug used by a substantial number of high school seniors on a daily basis? |
|  | A) | alcohol |
|  | B) | nicotine (cigarettes) |
|  | C) | Ecstasy |
|  | D) | marijuana |
16 |  |  Cigarette use has reportedly declined significantly compared to levels in 1997. What is most likely the greatest deterrent to smoking among American adolescents? |
|  | A) | getting caught by parents |
|  | B) | getting caught by school faculty or administration |
|  | C) | antismoking campaigns on TV and in print media |
|  | D) | the increase in the price of cigarettes |
17 |  |  Which of the following is true regarding drug use among eighth-graders? |
|  | A) | one-third have tried alcohol |
|  | B) | nearly one in six has been drunk at least once |
|  | C) | nearly one in six has tried marijuana |
|  | D) | All of the above. |
18 |  |  The typical adolescent who smokes cigarettes begins in what grade? |
|  | A) | after high school graduation |
|  | B) | around eleventh or twelfth grade |
|  | C) | first year of college |
|  | D) | around seventh or eighth grade |
19 |  |  Substance abuse is defined as drug or alcohol use that: |
|  | A) | causes problems in an individual's life. |
|  | B) | is associated with experimentation with substances. |
|  | C) | is associated with physical addiction to the substance. |
|  | D) | causes irrational abstinence. |
20 |  |  Which of the following is a gateway drug? |
|  | A) | alcohol |
|  | B) | hallucinogens |
|  | C) | heroin |
|  | D) | Ecstasy |
21 |  |  Who is most likely to use drugs? |
|  | A) | Black adolescents |
|  | B) | White adolescents |
|  | C) | Hispanic adolescents |
|  | D) | American Indian adolescents |
22 |  |  In regard to moderate alcohol and marijuana use, studies suggest that: |
|  | A) | moderate alcohol and marijuana use have become normative among adolescents in contemporary society. |
|  | B) | alcohol and marijuana are typically used in social settings. |
|  | C) | better-adjusted and more interpersonally competent young people are likely to participate in social activities in which alcohol and other drugs are present. |
|  | D) | All of the above. |
23 |  |  An example of a status offense is: |
|  | A) | truancy. |
|  | B) | cocaine use. |
|  | C) | theft. |
|  | D) | driving while intoxicated. |
24 |  |  The age-crime curve indicates that violent criminal activity: |
|  | A) | peaks around 18 years of age. |
|  | B) | increases steadily until about 25 years of age. |
|  | C) | peaks around 14 years of age. |
|  | D) | decreases steadily from about 15 years of age until 22, and increases after that. |
25 |  |  Approximately what proportion of arrests for serious crimes involves a suspect under 18? |
|  | A) | 5% (1 in 20) |
|  | B) | 10% (1 in 10) |
|  | C) | 25% (1 in 4) |
|  | D) | 33% (1 in 3) |
26 |  |  Although adolescents comprise only a small percentage of the population overall, compared to adults, how likely are adolescents to be the victim of a non-fatal violent crime? |
|  | A) | Adults and adolescents are equally likely to be the victim of a non-fatal violent crime. |
|  | B) | Adolescents are five times more likely to be the victim of a non-fatal violent crime. |
|  | C) | Adults are twice as likely to be the victim of a non-fatal violent crime. |
|  | D) | Adolescents are 2.5 times more likely to be the victim of a non-fatal violent crime. |
27 |  |  Among 15- to 19-year-olds, homicide accounts for: |
|  | A) | 40 percent of all deaths among Black youths and 4 percent of White deaths. |
|  | B) | 25 percent of all youths; there are no ethnic differences in the likelihood of homicide. |
|  | C) | 23 percent of deaths among Hispanic youths and 40 percent of White deaths. |
|  | D) | 40 percent of Black and Hispanic youths and 10 percent of White deaths. |
28 |  |  According to surveys of young people, at least what percentage report having engaged in delinquent behavior at some point during adolescence? |
|  | A) | 10% to 25% |
|  | B) | 20% to 30% |
|  | C) | 30% to 40% |
|  | D) | 60% to 80% |
29 |  |  Which of the following is the term one team of researchers used to describe the developmental trajectory of alcohol, tobacco, or drug use characterized by very high substance use in early adolescence that escalates over time, so that by the end of high school, these adolescents are frequently using drugs, smoking, and drinking? |
|  | A) | early escalators |
|  | B) | early starters |
|  | C) | fast escalators |
|  | D) | fast starters |
30 |  |  Adolescent violence is often a manifestation of a cascade of experiences such as: |
|  | A) | poor school readiness. |
|  | B) | school failure. |
|  | C) | harsh parenting. |
|  | D) | All of the above are true. |
31 |  |  Studies indicate that each of the following is a characteristic of youngsters whose problems with the law begin before adolescence, except: |
|  | A) | they are typically male. |
|  | B) | they are typically poor. |
|  | C) | they often have divorced parents. |
|  | D) | they have often experienced authoritative parenting. |
32 |  |  Youngsters whose antisocial behaviors begin before adolescence and continue into adulthood are typically referred to as exhibiting: |
|  | A) | hostile attributional bias. |
|  | B) | attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder. |
|  | C) | life-course persistent antisocial behavior. |
|  | D) | adolescent-limited antisocial behavior. |
33 |  |  Which disorder is characterized by impulsivity, inattentiveness, and restlessness? |
|  | A) | negative affectivity disorder |
|  | B) | conduct disorder |
|  | C) | social anxiety disorder |
|  | D) | attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder |
34 |  |  Which one of the following statements best captures the sex differences in depression? |
|  | A) | Before adolescence, boys are somewhat more likely to exhibit depressive symptoms than girls, but after puberty, the sex difference in prevalence of depression reverses. |
|  | B) | Before adolescence, girls are somewhat more likely to exhibit depressive symptoms than boys, but after puberty, the sex difference in prevalence of depression reverses. |
|  | C) | Before adolescence, boys are somewhat more likely to exhibit depressive symptoms than girls, but after puberty, the sex differences go away. |
|  | D) | Before adolescence, girls are somewhat more likely to exhibit depressive symptoms than boys, but after puberty, the sex differences go away. |
35 |  |  The tendency to interpret ambiguous interactions with others as deliberately offensive and to react aggressively is known as: |
|  | A) | hostile attributional bias. |
|  | B) | attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder. |
|  | C) | life-course persistent antisocial behavior. |
|  | D) | juvenile delinquency. |
36 |  |  Which of the following intervention/prevention strategies is not very effective at reducing antisocial behavior? |
|  | A) | interventions that follow evidence-based practices |
|  | B) | programs that combine family support and preschool intervention |
|  | C) | family based prevention programs |
|  | D) | interventions that group antisocial youth together |
37 |  |  Which of the following is not one of the possible symptoms for mild depressive disorder? |
|  | A) | overeating |
|  | B) | lack of positive affect |
|  | C) | low energy |
|  | D) | All of the above are possible symptoms of mild depressive disorder. |
38 |  |  Studies suggest that as many as _____ of individuals will experience at least one bout of depression by the age of 18. |
|  | A) | 15% |
|  | B) | 10% |
|  | C) | 5% |
|  | D) | 45% |
39 |  |  Which of the following is not a risk factor for attempting suicide during adolescence? |
|  | A) | being White |
|  | B) | having a psychiatric problem |
|  | C) | being under stress, especially in the areas of achievement and sexuality |
|  | D) | experiencing parental rejection |
40 |  |  When does suicide ideation peak? |
|  | A) | in middle adolescence |
|  | B) | in young adulthood |
|  | C) | in childhood |
|  | D) | in middle adulthood |