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Multiple Choice Quiz
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According to research, ___ percent of families who have relatively few problems during childhood can expect to develop serious problems in adolescence.
A)a very small
C)a very large
D)at least 25
Which one of the following statements accurately describes recent conclusions regarding intergenerational differences between parents and adolescents (i.e., the generation gap)?
A)the gap between the generations is most evident regarding beliefs about the value of work
B)the gap between the generations is most evident regarding educational ambitions
C)the gap between the generations is most evident regarding matters of personal taste
D)there is little evidence in support of a gap between the generations
The typical parent is approximately 40 years of age when their firstborn child reaches adolescence, and this can be a potentially difficult time for many adults who may be experiencing a:
B)career crisis.
C)psychosocial crisis.
D)midlife crisis.
The developmental concerns of adolescents and their parents who are around the age of 40 are thought by some researchers to be complementary. Which of the following statements best captures this relationship?
A)as adolescents are reaching sexual maturation, their parents are approaching the peak of satisfaction with their own appearance and sexuality
B)as adolescents become able to systematically think about the future and its possibilities, their parents are beginning to feel that the possibilities for change are limited
C)both adolescents and their parents tend to measure time in terms of how long they have been alive
D)both adolescents and their parents begin to deal with the potential gap that exists between what they have thus far aspired to be, and what they have actually become
One of the major stressors in many U.S. families during adolescence is the fact that adolescents, compared to younger children, require greater:
A)financial resources.
B)emotional resources.
C)educational resources.
D)medical resources.
In families with middle-aged adults adjusting to the transition of their offspring from childhood to adolescence, what is thought to be true regarding the mental health of family members?
A)the adjustment takes a greater toll on the mental health of the adolescent
B)the adjustment takes a greater toll on the mental health of the parents
C)parents report this as the easiest stage of parenting
D)the adjustment is equally difficult for both the parent(s) and the adolescent
The beginning of adolescence may be somewhat more strained than other times, in part, because conflicts between teenagers and parents tend to be resolved:
A)through intense and bitter argumentation.
B)through compromise or negotiation.
C)through submission or disengagement.
D)only when the parents give in to their adolescent's demands.
Adolescents are willing to accept their parents' rules as legitimate when:
A)they believe they may embarrass their parents.
B)they view the issue as personal.
C)they agree that the issue is a moral one.
D)they are worried about being punished for disobeying.
What is likely to be a reason that adolescents argue with their parents?
A)Adolescents argue with their parents about long-term career aspirations.
B)Teenagers are likely to argue with their parents about moral and religious issues.
C)Teenagers and their parents argue about the definition of various issues (e.g., whether it is a personal issue or a matter of safety).
D)Adolescents argue with their parents just for the sake of argument.
When adolescents and parents disagree, it tends to be over:
A)mundane, everyday issues.
B)moral issues.
C)safety issues.
D)long-term career aspirations.
Studies support each of the following statements regarding gender differences in family relationships, except:
A)fathers are more likely to be perceived as relatively distant authority figures.
B)adolescents fight more often with their fathers than with their mothers.
C)adolescents tend to be closer to their mothers.
D)fathers are less likely to be consulted about problems and emotional matters.
Who has developed a scheme for categorizing different types of parenting?
A)Michael Rutter
B)Mavis Hetherington
C)August Hollingshead
D)Diana Baumrind
The parenting style proposed by Baumrind that combines low levels of demandingness with low levels of responsiveness is commonly known as:
A)indulgent parenting.
B)authoritative parenting.
C)authoritarian parenting.
D)indifferent parenting.
The type of parenting proposed by Baumrind where the child is expected to accept parental dictates without question is:
A)indulgent parenting.
B)authoritative parenting.
C)authoritarian parenting.
D)indifferent parenting.
The parenting style proposed by Baumrind most often associated with immature, irresponsible children is:
A)indulgent parenting.
B)authoritative parenting.
C)authoritarian parenting.
D)indifferent parenting.
The parenting style associated with the healthiest psychological and social development is:
A)indulgent parenting.
B)authoritative parenting.
C)authoritarian parenting.
D)indifferent parenting.
Authoritative parenting is most prevalent in:
A)Asian-American families.
B)White families.
C)Black families.
D)Hispanic families.
Diana Baumrind's research demonstrates that some parents use an ___ style of parenting, dominated by harsh enforcement of rules and little expression of warmth.
Baumrind's research shows that some parents use an ___ style of parenting, in which the parent typically demonstrates little warmth and expects very little in the way of appropriate behavior and achievement from the adolescent.
Adolescents report that the highest levels of interpersonal conflict they experience occur with:
An example of a nonshared environmental influence would be when two siblings:
A)attend different elementary schools.
B)are raised in the same household.
C)become members of the same religious denomination.
D)are raised using the same parenting methods.
Approximately what percentage of American adolescents grow up in abject poverty?
A)around 1%
B)around 5%
C)around 17%
D)around 30%
Which child is most likely to live in a single-parent household?
A)an Asian-American child
B)a Hispanic child
C)a White child
D)Black child
Approximately what percentage of divorced men will remarry?
All of the following are true about adolescents who live in two-parent homes, except:
A)Adolescents in two-parent homes do not always have warm and close relationships with their parents.
B)Adolescents living in father-absent homes have higher self-esteem than adolescents who live in two-parent homes but feel that their father has little interest in them.
C)Adolescents who live in two-parent families are not harmed by marital conflict, disrupted parenting, or loss of income.
D)Of the young people living in two-parent families, a substantial number (about 15%) live with only one of their biological parents.
Part of the reason that adolescents from divorced homes have, on average, more problems than their peers is:
A)because it is universally accepted that two parents are better than one.
B)because they have inherited from their divorced parents some of the same traits that influenced their parents' divorce.
C)because the negative effects of the divorce process are relatively permanent.
D)because even when a parent remarries, biological parents are superior to stepparents.
Based on the research literature, which child would you expect to have the most immediate problems with a parental divorce?
A)a young female child
B)a young male child
C)a female adolescent
D)a male adolescent
A child will be most negatively affected by marital conflict when:
A)the child does not become involved in the parents' conflict.
B)the child's feelings of security remain unchallenged.
C)the child blames herself for her parents' conflict.
D)the quality of the parent–child relationships remain unchanged.
The tendency for siblings to actively try to be more different is called:
A)sibling rivalry.
B)sibling paradox behavior.
C)sibling deidentification.
D)differential treatment.
Research suggests that demanding or controlling parenting may not be as harmful (and may have some benefits) for which group?
A)ethnic minorities who live in suburban neighborhoods
B)ethnic minorities who live in dangerous neighborhoods
C)White males who live in dangerous neighborhoods
D)White males who live in rural areas
Under which postdivorce conditions would adolescents fare best?
A)when the relationship between divorced parents is congenial
B)when the adolescent is placed in the more luxuriously appointed home
C)when the adolescent is allowed time with both the custodial and noncustodial parent
D)when the adolescent is placed with the parent residing closest to her school
Adolescents of divorced parents who have dual residences are most likely to thrive when the ex-spouses:
A)continue fighting even after the divorce is final.
B)try to place the child in the middle of their own arguments.
C)are not as cooperative as they could be in arranging visitation.
D)are consistent in the discipline the adolescent receives.
During which developmental period is parental remarriage most difficult to experience?
B)middle childhood
C)early adolescence
D)late adolescence
Each of the following helps to explain why adolescents growing up in stepfamilies often have more problems than their peers, except:
A)the adolescent is exposed to the potential conflict in the second marriage.
B)the adolescent is exposed to new problems arising from the blending of families.
C)the adolescent is still exposed to additional conflict between ex-spouses.
D)the adolescent has no biological connection with the stepparent.
Arguments over whether to clean one's room or what clothes to wear to school between parents and adolescents tend to happen because:
A)adults and adolescents define the issues differently (e.g., as conventional or personal issues).
B)adults have lost touch with issues relevant to their children.
C)adolescents do not understand that cleaning their room is a religious issue.
D)adolescents do not understand that they will be targeted by gangs if they wear certain clothing to school.
Joey's dad discourages open communication, expects obedience, and shows little warmth. Which type of parenting strategies does he use?
Connie's mom is very distant, detached, and withdrawn. She also places very few demands on Connie. Which type of parenting does Connie's mom most resemble?
Dominique's dad is very warm, accepting, and nurturing. He places very few rules or expectations on Dominique and rarely disciplines him. Which type of parent is Dominique's dad?
Leslie's mom's parenting is very child-centered, democratic, and flexible. She engages Leslie in verbal give-and-take, and supports Leslie's psychological autonomy and self-regulation. Which type of parenting does Leslie's mom most resemble?
Which of the following adolescents is most at risk for developing emotional and behavioral problems?
A)Maria, who has grown up with foster parents
B)Grace, who was reared by lesbian parents
C)Ana, who was reared by gay parents
D)Kristin, who was reared by adoptive parents

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