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Essay Quiz
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Reflect on who you think you are as a person and how you identify yourself (e.g., as a nice person, shy, depressed). Do you feel the way you view yourself is also the way that your parents view you? That your siblings view you? That your friends view you? With whom do you present your authentic self? With whom do you present an inauthentic self? In the ideal, do you believe it is possible for an individual to present one's authentic self to everyone else and under all possible circumstances? How is the way you present yourself to people in your life similar or different from the way the textbook explains false-self behavior?
Think about the "Big Five" personality traits of Extraversion, Agreeableness, Neuroticism, Conscientiousness, and Openness to Experience, as described in the chapter. First, rate yourself on all five dimensions. Do you feel you are highly extraverted? Less agreeable than the average person? Next, provide definitions of each of the five traits to one of your closest friends and ask them to rate you on each dimension. Allow them to also rate themselves while you rate your friend on the same five dimensions. On what dimensions was your friend in greatest agreement with how you rated yourself? On what dimensions was your friend in least agreement with how you rated yourself?
Think about the various distinct dimensions on which you can rate your self-esteem individually, such as physical, academic, social, and athletic (feel free to add any relevant dimensions that contribute to your overall self-esteem) abilities. Drawing on what you know from the text, describe the differences in these types of self-esteem and contrast them with self-concept. Additionally, discuss ethnic and gender differences in self-esteem.
Your textbook describes a number of differences with respect to the levels of self-esteem among African-, Mexican-, and White American adolescent girls. Having thought about your own levels of self-esteem (see Critical Thinking Exercise No. 3), determine whether or not you feel you are representative of your ethnic group. In what ways are you typical and atypical of your own ethnic group? How representative were you of your group when you were in early adolescence? Middle adolescence? Late adolescence?
Erikson's theory of psychosocial development suggests that identity formation will proceed with fewer problems when the adolescent is allowed a period of psychosocial moratorium. Think about your own adolescence and the degree to which your parents provided you the opportunity for self-discovery by allowing you a period of psychosocial moratorium. Describe Erikson's theory with examples from your own adolescence, and the adolescent years of your friends or siblings.
Discuss the research presented in the textbook that supports and does not support the gender intensification hypothesis. Based on your experiences as an adolescent, explain why you believe (or do not believe) the gender intensification hypothesis still exists.
Imagine that you have been asked to speak to a community organization about minority adolescents' adjustment and identity development. They are particularly worried about the effects of being a foreign-born or first-generation adolescent. They are also wondering how multiethnic adolescents navigate the transition into adult identities. What would you tell them? Be sure to include a discussion about ethnic differences in self-esteem, self-image, and self-conceptions (and mention possible reasons for these ethnic differences).

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