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Study Questions
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  1. What is our working definition of intelligence?

  2. How did Galton and Binet differ in their approaches to measuring mental abilities?

  3. Why do today's intelligence tests no longer use the concept of mental age? How is IQ now defined?

  4. What was Wechsler's concept of intelligence? How do the Wechsler scales reflect this

  5. How is factor analysis used in the study of intelligence?

  6. What kinds of evidence supported the existence of Spearman's g factor?

  7. What led Thurstone to view intelligence as specific mental abilities?

  8. Differentiate between crystallized and fluid intelligence, and indicate their relation to aging and types of memory.

  9. Describe Carroll's three–stratum psychometric model and how it originated. How does it relate to the previously discussed models?

  10. Differentiate between psychometric and cognitive process approaches to intelligence.

  11. What three classes of psychological processes and forms of intelligence are found in Sternberg's triarchic theory?

  12. What kinds of abilities are included in Gardner's multiple intelligences?

  13. Describe the four skills of personal intelligence and the four branches of emotional intelligence and how they are measured.

  14. How is Wechsler's view of intelligence reflected in the Wechsler tests? What kinds of scores do they provide?

  15. Describe the controversy involving aptitude versus achievement tests in relation to the measurement of intelligence.

  16. Define the three types of test reliability and three types of validity.

  17. How well do IQ scores predict academic, job, and other life outcomes?

  18. What are the two meanings of standardization?

  19. What is the Flynn effect? What explanations have been suggested?

  20. How is intelligence assessed in non–Western cultures

  21. What evidence exists that brain size and neural efficiency are related to high intelligence?

  22. What evidence supports a genetic contribution to intelligence, and how much IQ group variation is accounted for?

  23. How much do family and school environments contribute to intelligence?

  24. What effects have been shown in early–intervention programs for disadvantaged children?

  25. What explanations have been offered for differences in IQ between ethnic groups

  26. What sex differences exist in cognitive skills? What biological and environmental factors might be involved?

  27. How can teachers' expectations and stereotype threat influence academic performance?

  28. How do sex hormones and gender stereotypes combine to influence intellectual performance?

  29. What factors allow gifted people to become eminent?

  30. How do causal factors differ in mild and profound mental retardation?

  31. Summarize the major factors identified at the biological, psychological, and environmental levels of analysis.

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