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Study Questions
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  1. What is aerobic exercise? What evidence exists that it promotes health and longevity?

  2. How large are exercise drop–out rates? What factors do and do not predict dropout?

  3. What are the behavior–change techniques used in behavioral weight control programs?

  4. Describe the Type A behavior pattern and how it can contribute to coronary heart disease.

  5. Describe the nature and effectiveness of behavior change techniques used in AIDS prevention and addictive behaviors interventions.

  6. How serious are the consequences of binge drinking among college students?

  7. Compare harm reduction and abstinence approaches to addictive behaviors.

  8. Describe the transtheoretical model of change.

  9. Describe three ways that theorists have defined the term stress.

  10. What links exist between stress and psychological well–being?

  11. Describe physiological and behavioral mechanisms through which stress can contribute to illness.

  12. What factors help create stress–resiliency in children?

  13. How do, social support, coping self–efficacy, optimism–pessimism, and spiritual beliefs affect stress outcomes?

  14. Describe the three major classes of coping strategies and their relations to resiliency.

  15. How do gender and cultural factors affect the tendency to use particular coping strategies?

  16. How common is posttraumatic growth? What are its major components?

  17. In what sense is pain a psychological phenomenon?

  18. How do cultural factors influence pain experience and behavior?

  19. How do cognitive and personality factors affect people's responses to pain stimuli?

  20. Describe cognitive, informational, and behavioral interventions for pain reduction.

  21. What evidence exists that lifestyle changes enhance medical adjustment?

  22. How happy are people worldwide. What factors predict and fail to predict happiness?

  23. Summarize research–based suggestions for attaining happiness.

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