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  1. What types of information lead us to make situational rather than personal attributions?

  2. Describe the fundamental attribution error and the self–serving bias, and discuss how they are affected by culture.

  3. Discuss how the primacy effect, stereotypes, and self–fulfilling prophecies influence impression formation.

  4. What is an attitude? Describe three conditions under which people's attitudes best predict their behavior.

  5. Explain the causes of cognitive dissonance and how it produces attitude change.

  6. Evaluate dissonance versus self–perception theory views of why counterattitudinal behavior produces attitude change.

  7. Describe how communicator, message, and audience characteristics affect the persuasion process

  8. What are social norms and social roles?

  9. Use the concepts of informational and normative social influence to explain how social norms and roles guide behavior.

  10. Describe situational factors that influence conformity to the group. When will minority influence be strongest?

  11. Describe Milgram's research, factors that increase and decrease obedience, and implications for society.

  12. Identify four common compliance techniques and explain how they work.

  13. Describe social loafing, social compensation, and the causes and consequences of group polarization and groupthink.

  14. Describe deindividuation, its main cause, and how conditions in the Stanford prison study may have fostered it.

  15. Discuss how proximity, mere exposure, similarity, and beauty influence initial attraction.

  16. Based on social exchange theory, what factors determine whether a relationship will be satisfying and will continue?

  17. Contrast evolutionary and sociocultural explanations for sex differences in mate preferences.

  18. Describe types of love, and discuss research–based principles that may help enhance relationship quality.

  19. Discuss the psychological effects of ostracism.

  20. How is implicit prejudice measured? Describe cognitive and motivational roots of prejudice.

  21. How do self–fulfilling prophecies and stereotype threat perpetuate prejudice? How can prejudice be reduced?

  22. Discuss evolutionary, social learning, and empathy–altruism explanations for helping behavior.

  23. When and whom are people most likely to help? How can prosocial behavior be increased?

  24. Describe how biological factors, environmental stimuli, learning, and psychological factors influence aggression.

  25. Discuss catharsis and social learning views on effects of media violence. Do violent video games promote aggression?

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