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Multiple Choice Quiz
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A ____________ is an observable trait, while a ______________ is the genetic makeup of the individual.
A)recessive trait; dominant trait
B)phenotype; genotype
C)genotype; phenotype
D)dominant trait; recessive trait
Which answer of the following is a definition of chromosomes?
A)A double-stranded and tightly coiled molecule of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)
B)The biological units of heredity
C)The individual’s observable characteristics
D)Alternate forms of a gene that produce different characteristics
What is the purpose of adoption studies?
A)To see if there is a genetic influence of some characteristic from biological parents as compared to the influence of adoptive parents
B)To see if people who are closely related to each other share some characteristic
C)To compare trait similarities in identical twins
D)To compare trait similarities in fraternal twins
Jasmyn and Colette are sisters. They are exposed to similar books, television programs, food and family values. What kind of environment is this an example of?
A)Unshared environment
B)Shared environment
C)Adaptive environment
D)Fixed action environment
Which of the following statements is true?
A)Shared family environment in upper-class families contributes more to differences in IQ than in lower socioeconomic level families.
B)Twins reared in the same home do not share similar IQ’s.
C)Shared family environment at the lower socioeconomic level contributes more to differences in IQ than in upper-class families.
D)Twins reared in separate homes have IQs similar to their adoptive parents’.
The ______________ for a genetically influenced trait is the range of possibilities – the upper and lower traits – that the genetic code allows?
A)evocative influence
B)parent-produced environment
C)reaction range
D)bi-directional relationship
What is the Five Factor Model?
A)An intelligence theory
B)A personality trait theory
C)An emotions theory
D)A neurobiological theory
Lena is a cuddly baby, smiles at other people and is sociable. Consequently, other people want to hold her and smile back at her. This is an example of
A)social influence.
B)self-selection influence.
C)parental influence.
D)evocative influence.
Random events and accidents in gene reproduction during the division of cells are called?
B)biological procedures
C)knockout procedures
The adaptation of apes from walking on all fours to walking on two legs is referred to as?
A)Evolutionary noise
B)Evolutionary adaptation
C)Bipedal locomotion
D)Evoked culture
Which of the following statements is true?
A)Higher-level functions such as problem solving and decision making are not important to natural selection in humans.
B)Reproduction does not contribute to natural selection.
C)Emotional experiences are always modified by natural selection.
D)Reproduction is a fundamental basis of natural selection.
Which of the following theories contributed to the development and use of tools and weapons that could kill at a distance?
B)Evoked culture
C)Biologically based mechanism
D)Bipedal locomotion
Which of the following statements is true?
A)Humans respond to group rejection by becoming a part of a different group.
B)Helping people who are genetically close to you increases the likelihood of passing on genes they share with you.
C)Human infants cannot understand primitive mathematical skills at birth.
D)Newborns who are breastfed do not recognize their mother's milk by its odor.
__________ states that mating choice and preference reflect inherited tendencies, shaped over the ages in response to different types of adaptive problems that men and women faced.
A)Response cycle theory
B)Emotional response theory
C)Sexual strategies theory
D)Social structure theory
What does Buss's research on sex differences and mate selection indicate?
A)Across cultures, men prefer a younger mate and women prefer an older mate.
B)Age does not play a role in mate selection.
C)In mate selection women prefer men who are their same.
D)Men prefer women who will be excellent breadwinners.
Strategic pluralism refers to
A)the immediate integration of different cultures into one.
B)similar behavioral strategies are never adaptive in Western culture.
C)multiple/contradictory behavioral strategies might be adaptive in a given environment.
D)effective community planning integrating an evolutionary perspective.

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