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Study Questions
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  1. Name and describe the functions of the three main parts of the neuron. What do glial cells do?

  2. What chemical actions create the neuron's resting potential? What chemical changes cause the action potential?

  3. What is the nature and importance of the myelin sheath>? What disorder results from damage to it?

  4. Describe five important steps in neurotransmitter function. How do transmitters produce excitation and inhibition? How are they deactivated?

  5. Describe the roles played by acetylcholine and the consequences that occur when its functioning is disrupted.

  6. How do agonist and antagonist functions underlie the neural and behavioral effects of psychoactive drugs?

  7. What are the three major types of neurons in the nervous system? What are their functions?

  8. Name the two divisions of the peripheral nervous system. How does the autonomic system maintain homeostasis?

  9. How do the functions of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous branches differ?

  10. What are the two main structures in the central nervous system?

  11. What are spinal reflexes?

  12. Describe four methods used to study brain-behavior relations.

  13. How are CAT scans, PET scans, and MRIs produced, and what kinds of information does each provide?

  14. Which behavioral functions are controlled by the medulla, the pons, and the cerebellum? What is the consequence of damage to these structures?

  15. Describe the roles played by the ascending and descending reticular formation. What occurs with damage to this structure?

  16. Describe the structural characteristics and functions of the thalamus and the hypothalamus.

  17. What roles do the hippocampus and amygdala play

  18. What are the demarcations for the four lobes of the brain?

  19. How are sensory and motor functions organized in the cortex?

  20. Where are Wernicke's and Broca's areas? How are they involved in speech?

  21. What is the role of the association cortex?

  22. Describe the role of the frontal cortex in higher mental (including executive) functions.

  23. How did the study of killers illustrate the roles of brain and environment?

  24. What is hemispheric lateralization, and what functions are localized in the left and right hemispheres?

  25. How was it possible to "split" the brain and study hemispheric functions?

  26. What observations established he left hemisphere's verbal abilities?

  27. What is neural plasticity? How do age, early experience, and behavior affect plasticity?

  28. Why is greater plasticity possible early in life?

  29. Describe the ways in which neural function can be restored following damage.

  30. How does the endocrine system differ from the nervous system? How do hormones affect development and behavior?

  31. How are the adrenal glands important in psychological functions?

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