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Study Questions
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  1. Describe the six stages in the sensory processing and perception of information. Differentiate between sensation and perception

  2. Define the absolute threshold from traditional and signal–detection perspectives.

  3. How do subliminal stimuli affect consumer behavior, attitudes, and self–improvement outcomes?

  4. What is the difference threshold? What is Weber's law, and why is it important?

  5. How does the lens affect visual acuity, and how does its dysfunction cause myopia and hyperopia?

  6. How are the rods and cones distributed in the retina, and how do they contribute to brightness perception, color vision, and visual acuity?

  7. How does the transduction process occur in the photoreceptors of the eye?

  8. What is the physiological basis for dark adaptation and for the two components of the dark adaptation curve?

  9. Summarize the trichromatic, opponent–process, and dual–process theories of color vision. What evidence supports each theory?

  10. What kinds of feature detectors exist in the visual system? What is parallel processing of sensory information?

  11. Describe the two physical characteristics of sound waves and their relation to auditory experience.

  12. Describe how the middle and inner ear structures are involved in the auditory transduction process.

  13. Describe the frequency and place theories of pitch perception. In what sense are both theories correct?

  14. What are the two kinds of deafness, and how can they be treated?

  15. Describe the stimuli and the receptors involved in gustation and olfaction

  16. Describe the receptors and processing mechanisms for the tactile senses.

  17. What are the two major body senses? Where are their receptors?

  18. What sensory principles underlie sensory prosthetics for the blind and the hearing impaired?

  19. Compare bottom–up and top–down processing of sensory information.

  20. What two complementary processes occur in attention? What is inattentional blindness? What kinds of external and internal factors influence attention?

  21. Which Gestalt psychology principles and laws underlie perceptual organization?

  22. What roles do perceptual schemas and perceptual sets play in our sensory interpretations?

  23. What factors account for shape, brightness, and size constancy in vision?

  24. Describe the major monocular and binocular depth/distance cues, as well as the bases for movement perception.

  25. What is an illusion? How are constancies and context involved in visual illusions?

  26. What evidence shows that cultural factors can influence perceptual interpretations, constancies, and susceptibility to illusions?

  27. How do studies of restricted stimulation and restored vision illustrate the role of critical periods in perceptual development?

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