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Kurt Vonnegut Jr.
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How to Write with Style


This obituary from the Washington Post includes Vonnegut's biography as well as referenced to his many works.

See the site below for the New York Times' response to Vonnegut's death, located in the Books section as opposed to obituaries. How does this account of Vonnegut's life and works compare to that in the Washington Post (above)? Based on his pointers in How to Write with Style, do you think Vonnegut would approve of these articles?


An award winning film adaptation of Vonnegut's most famous novel Slaughterhouse-Five was released in 1972. Based on this review, do you think the movie would be well-received if it were released today?

Did you know that Kurt Vonnegut Jr. was a visual artist, too? This website has images of some of the prints and sculpture inspired by his writing.

Take a look at this transcription of Vonnegut's 1999 commencement speech at Rice University. Do you think Vonnegut's guidelines for good writing apply to good speaking, too?


The link below will take you to a list of Vonnegut's many other works, biographical info, interviews, criticism, a forum for questions, and even a homepage for Vonnegut's famous fictitious main character, Kilgore Trout.

To get a taste of Vonnegut's other work, check out these notable quotations.

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