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Diane Ackerman
(See related pages)

Farewell to Summer and Its Buzzing Creatures


Click on the link below to see Diane Ackerman's official website. In addition to her biography, here you can also find photos of the author and descriptions of some of her books.

This biography on the Seattle Arts & Lectures website offers a more in-depth biography of Ackerman and descriptions of her work. Don't miss the short excerpt from her most recent book, The Zookeeper's Wife.

This interview on the online literary publication January Magazine features Ackerman herself talking about her life and work. Do you think her powers of description are evident here as well as in her literature?


Have you ever seen a hummingbird feeding? For a better understanding of Ackerman's inspiration, click on the link below. This site has a ton of info on hummingbirds, from photos of different breeds to migration maps to advice on setting up a feeder.

After watching this video of a hummingbird eating sugar solution from a backyard feeder, how do you feel about Ackerman's description? Is she accurate? Would you have done something differently?


Check out this site to hear an interview with Ackerman about The Zookeeper's Wife. How is her writing process similar to and/or different from your own?

This webpage features excerpts from more of Ackerman's writing as well as a short biography. How does her poetic description of winter differ from her prose description of late summer in "Farewell to Summer and Its Buzzing Creatures?" Do you think one is better than the other?

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