Michael J. Leeser,
Florida State University Bill VanPatten,
Texas Tech University Gregory D. Keating,
San Diego State University
ISBN: 0073534404 Copyright year: 2011
McGraw-Hill is proud to partner with Quia™ in the development
of CENTRO (www.mhcentro.com). CENTRO is a comprehensive learning management system that allows you to manage your course with robust communication tools, record-keeping that can be imported to Blackboard and other CMS platforms, integration of instructor resources such as the Instructor’s Manual, as well as the ability to customize your own CENTRO experience.
Digital Edition. CENTRO includes a fully interactive Digital Edition of the Así lo veo textbook. It includes a real-time voice chat and record feature, integrated audio and video, an integrated gradebook, and many other resources that make this a truly innovative online system for the teaching and learning of Spanish.
Online Manual de actividades. Another key component of CENTRO for Así lo veo, the Online Manual, is a robust digital version of the printed Manual. It is easy for students to use and great for instructors who want to manage students’ course work online. Identical in practice material to the print version, the Online Manual contains the complete audio program and clips from the film and provides students with automatic feedback and scoring of their work. The Instructor Workstation contains an easy-to-use gradebook and class roster system that facilitates course management.
Additional Resources. Some of the additional interactive resources included for this program in CENTRO include the entire Así lo veo film, Grammar Tutorials, verb charts, and the Otras voces interviews, also featured on the text-specific YouTube™ channel.
Please contact your local McGraw-Hill sales representative for more
information on CENTRO and the various digital resources available for Así lo veo.