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Meteorology, 2/e
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Structure of Large Mid-Latitude Weather Systems

Multiple Choice Quiz

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How does friction affect the wind near the earth's surface?
A)Friction slows the wind down.
B)Friction causes the wind to blow across height contours/isobars toward lower heights/pressure.
C)Friction pulls the wind down toward the ground.
D)A and B are true.
E)All statements are true.

Changes in surface atmospheric pressure are best explained by:
A)changes in air density.
B)changes in air temperature.
C)changes in atmospheric mass.
D)all of these changes lead to changes in pressure.
E)none of the above.

The deflective force arising from the earth's rotation is called:
A)Coriolis force.
C)pressure gradient force.
D)centripetal force.

The atmosphere presses down on every square inch of your body with nearly 15 pounds of force. The fact that we aren't crushed like beer cans at a frat party is due to:
A)Newton's first law of motion.
B)Newton's second law of motion.
C)Newton's third law of motion.
D)Law of universal gravitation.
E)Kepler's law.

Which of the following statements is/are true?
A)Surface high pressure systems are characterized by converging winds in low levels and diverging winds in upper levels.
B)Surface low pressure systems are characterized by converging winds in upper levels and diverging winds in low levels.
C)Surface pressure changes occur when upper-level divergence/convergence exceeds low-level convergence/divergence.
D)Atmospheric matter (air) can be created and destroyed.

How are frontal zones and jet streams related?
A)Frontal zones are regions of sharp temperature contrasts, which lead to strong pressure gradients, and therefore strong wind speeds.
B)Cold air on the poleward side of the polar front/jet stream and warm air on the equatorward side of the polar front/jet stream results in a strong wind that typically blows from south to north.
C)A weak polar front results in a strong jet stream.
D)Jet streams and frontal zones are not related whatsoever.

The fact that it takes a greater amount of force to move a car from a standing stop than it does a bike is a consequence of:
A)Newton's first law of motion.
B)Newton's second law of motion.
C)Newton's third law of motion.
D)Newton's law of universal gravitation.
E)Kepler's law.

The geostrophic wind results from a balance between:
A)Coriolis force and centripetal force.
B)centripetal force, pressure gradient force, and Coriolis force.
C)pressure gradient force and Coriolis force.
D)pressure gradient force, Coriolis force, and friction.

What causes a warm, humid mass of air to move (generally) northward?
A)Magnetic attraction of the air mass toward the north pole.
B)Differences in surface atmospheric pressure lead to air motion.
C)The earth's rotation about its axis.

The 'thickness rule' allows us to draw which of the following conclusions?
A)The thickness of a layer of air is directly proportional to the average temperature of that layer.
B)Ridges are typically characterized by relatively warm temperatures.
C)Troughs are typically characterized by relatively cold temperatures.
D)A, B, and C are true.
E)All of these conclusions are false.

The gradient wind is a better 'approximation' of the real wind than the geostrophic wind because:
A)the gradient wind allows for curved isobars or height contours.
B)the gradient wind takes friction into account.
C)the gradient wind is in hydrostatic balance.
D)the gradient wind is usually stronger than the geostrophic wind.

The attractive force that keeps our atmosphere from escaping into space is called:
A)pressure gradient force.
B)Coriolis force.
C)terrestrial magnetism.

Assuming a 'frictionless' pool table, a billiard ball that has been struck by a cue stick will continue moving at a constant speed in the same direction until it strikes something (cushion, another ball, etc.). This is an application of:
A)Newton's first law of motion.
B)Newton's second law of motion.
C)Newton's third law of motion.
D)Newton's law of universal gravitation.
E)Kepler's law.

Areas of low pressure are typically characterized by ______ air and move toward regions where the pressure is ______ with time.
A)sinking; falling
B)rising; falling
C)sinking; rising
D)rising; rising

Pressure gradient force:
A)accelerates air from areas of higher pressure to lower pressure.
B)causes the wind to blow.
C)is proportional to the difference in pressure between two areas.
D)all of the above are true.
E)none of the above is true.