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Office Skills: A Practical Approach
Office Skills: A Practical Approach, 3/e
Margaret Horsfall, Formely Homesglen TAFE
Shirley Cairns, Moreton Institute of TAFE, Mount Gravatt

The third edition of Office Skills: A Practical Approach and accompanying workbook have been designed to function as an integrated learning package that provides students with the practical knowledge required to work in today's changing office environment.

'People at Work', a new feature to this edition, gives students real-world examples of how the content covered in the text applies to the workplace. Coverage of information technology has been updated and given greater emphasis in this edition, in line with workplace practices.

Office Skills: A Practical Approach has been written in response to the industry-driven introduction of competency-based training. The text integrates eighteen of the common units of competency in the National Training Information Service training packages, which are identified with the national code and competency name within the chapters.

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