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Preparing Financial Statements
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New Zealand Financial Accounting
New Zealand Financial Accounting, 2/e
Dr Grant Samkin, Waikato University
Professor Craig Deegan, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology

PowerPoint Slides

Chapter 1 (955.0K)
An overview of the New Zealand external reporting environment

Chapter 2 (983.0K)
Theories of financial accounting

Chapter 3 (1078.0K)
An overview of accounting for assets

Chapter 4 (1033.0K)

Chapter 5 (893.0K)
Revaluation of non-current assets

Chapter 6 (900.0K)
Accounting for inventories

Chapter 7 (1004.0K)
Accounting for intangibles

Chapter 8 (992.0K)
Accounting for heritage and biological assets

Chapter 9 (1193.0K)
Accounting for liabilities

Appendix A (517.0K)
Disclosure of Information