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Google Alerts
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Want to receive subject-related news and video-links direct to your inbox? You can with Google Alerts.

What are Google Alerts?

Google Alerts are email updates of the latest relevant Google results (web, news, video, blog) based on a search term. Google Alerts offers several advantages for lecturers and students over other news update systems:

  • power - taps directly into the world’s biggest search engine
  • flexibility – results can be emailed to you once a day, once a week or as they happen
  • variety – news stories plus details of related videos and blogs are provided

McGraw-Hill’s suggested search term for this text is:
finance corporate business, australia, new zealand

    How to sign up for Google Alerts
  • visit the Google Alerts home page at
  • enter your search term (or the suggested McGraw-Hill search term shown above)
  • enter the type of alert you'd like (news, web, video etc.)
  • indicate how often you'd like Google to check for results
  • enter your email address and click the 'Create Alert' button.
  • Google will send you a confirmation email; clicking the link in this email will activate your Alert.

FAQs around Google Alerts are available at

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