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According to the National Institute of Mental Health, which does believe that Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, or ADHD, is a real disorder, the three subtypes of ADHD include all of the following except:
A)predominantly hyperactive-impulsive type.
B)predominantly inattentive type.
C)predominantly spontaneous type.
D)combined type.
As stated by Rogers H. Wright, who does not believe that Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, or ADHD, is a real disorder—or, at least, believes that it is diagnosed and treated far more often than it should be—ADHD is a fad diagnosis that a decade or so ago was known instead as:
A)minimal brain syndrome.
C)autism spectrum diagnosis.
D)cyclothymic personality pattern.
Stephen Joseph, who believes that posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) has been overdiagnosed and overtreated, makes the distinction between therapists helping those with PTSD and who must be like car mechanics fixing a problem and therapists helping people facilitate posttraumatic growth, who must be like:
A)those who build cars.
The U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs, which does not believe that posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) has been overdiagnosed and overtreated, notes that the percentage of people who experience at least one trauma in their lives is between:
A)10 and 20 percent.
B)30 and 40 percent.
C)50 and 60 percent.
D)70 and 80 percent.
In the Taking Sides chapter entitled, "Is Gender Identity Disorder a Mental Illness?" the Traditional Values Coalition (YES) criticizes the "Gender Bill of Rights" which includes all of the following EXCEPT:
A)The right to control and change one's body.
B)The right to change one's own body as a means of expressing a self-defined gender identity.
C)The right to freedom from psychiatric diagnosis or treatment solely on the basis of gender identity of role.
D)The right to health insurance coverage to cover the cost of sex reassignment.
In the Taking Sides chapter entitled, "Is Gender Identity Disorder a Mental Illness?" the Traditional Values Coalition (YES) asserts that groups such as the Human Rights Campaign and GenderPac are pushing hard to have transsexualism removed from the DSM in much the same way that which other condition was normalized in the 1970s?
In the Taking Sides issue entitled "Is Psychological Debriefing a Harmful Intervention for Survivors of Trauma?" Jeffrey T.Mitchell (NO) asserts that when applied appropriately and in the right time frame, CISD can be very helpful to those who have experienced trauma. In which of the following cases would CISD not be recommended?
A)narrowly escaping a serious fire
B)being held up and robbed
C)being sexually assaulted or beaten
D)being told that your friend died in a car accident
In the Taking Sides issue entitled "Is Psychological Debriefing a Harmful Intervention for Survivors of Trauma?" Grant J. Devilly and Peter Cotton (YES) specify the lifetime prevalence rate of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) as:
A)approximately 2%.
B)approximately 8%.
C)approximately 12%.
D)approximately 16%.
Steven Moffic, who believes that we still need psychiatrists, thinks that the hope for the future of psychiatry lies in:
A)the combination of medication and psychotherapy.
B)the traditional methods established by Freud and Jung.
C)integration of the best of the past in new ways.
D)remaining on the cutting edge of discoveries constantly being made by research.
Steven Balt, whose position is not that psychiatrists are unnecessary but rather that they need to change their approach to mental health, puts forth the idea that what psychiatrists do might legitimately be called:
A)the practice of medicine.
C)common sense.
Professor Sahakian and Dr. Morein-Zamir, who believe that "smart drugs" should be used to enhance cognitive functioning, express concern over the use of off-label prescriptions, referring to the prescription of a medication:
A)for a generic rather than name-brand medication.
B)by someone who is not a medical doctor.
C)that describes a class of medications rather than a specific drug.
D)for a condition not described in the approved labeling.
Professor Helia Garrido Hull, who does not believe that "smart drugs" should be used to enhance cognitive functioning, begins her discussion by using a fictional example of a man desiring to become "something greater than his own nature allowed"; the work to which she refers is:
A)Atlas Shrugged.
B)Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.
D)2001: A Space Odyssey.
Elise Donovan, who believes that memory-dampening drugs should be used to prevent and treat trauma in combat soldiers, reports that the primary pharmacological agent that has been examined for treatment of PTSD is:
The President's Council on Bioethics, which does not believe that memory-dampening drugs should be used to prevent and treat trauma in combat soldiers, argues that by allowing people suffering from terrible memories to take memory-dampening drugs, we:
A)compromise the truthfulness of how they remember the memory.
B)protect them from developing the debilitating symptoms of PTSD.
C)decrease their feelings of autonomy.
D)violate the religious beliefs of some individuals.
In the Taking Sides chapter entitled, "Is Addiction a Brain Disease?" the National Institute on Drug Abuse (YES) states that the initial decision to take drugs is:
A)mostly voluntary.
B)genetically reinforced.
C)hormonally reinforced.
D)socially prompted.
In the Taking Sides chapter entitled, "Is Addiction a Brain Disease?" the National Institute on Drug Abuse (YES) states when science began to study addictive behavior in the 1930s, people addicted to drugs were thought to be:
A)mentally retarded.
B)psychiatrically disordered.
C)morally flawed.
D)socially inept.
California State Senator Leland Yee and Attorney Steven F. Gruel, who believe that research confirms that violent video games are harmful to minors, maintain at the beginning of their article that the First Amendment to the Constitution does not protect:
A)the publication of pornographic materials.
B)depictions of violence against police officers.
C)video games as opposed to printed matter.
D)materials harmful to minors.
Patricia A. Millett, who does not believe that research confirms that violent video games are harmful to minors, criticizes the meta-analysis offered by Yee and Gruel because:
A)it was based on studies that used invalid measures of aggression.
B)the underlying studies making up the meta data were not identified.
C)the studies considered games that were outdated, not those currently available.
D)no control groups were studied.
In the Taking Sides issue entitled "Would Legalization of Virtual Child Pornography Reduce Sexual Exploitation of Children?" Diana E. H. Russell and Natalie J. Purcell (NO) state that the prevalence of childhood pornography sites and their positive portrayal of child pornography make pedophiles believe all of the following except:
A)child pornography is socially acceptable.
B)children enjoy having sexual intercourse with adults.
C)there are other people who have a sexual interest in children.
D)child pornography is legal.
In the Taking Sides issue entitled "Would Legalization of Virtual Child Pornography Reduce Sexual Exploitation of Children?" Arnold H. Loewy (YES) argues that when it comes to freedom of speech, the government:
A)should not limit freedom of speech in any way.
B)should limit freedom of speech to suppressing "very bad speech."
C)should not extend freedom of speech to flag burners or Nazis.
D)should be able to determine what speech to protect and what speech to challenge on a case by case basis.
In the Taking Sides issue entitled "Must Mentally Ill Murderers Have a Rational Understanding of Why They Are Being Sentenced to Death?" Nathaniel Quarterman (No) and the authors of the amici curiae (Yes) would agree on all of the following statements except:
A)Panetti knows that he murdered Joe and Amanda Alvarado.
B)Panetti knows what he did was wrong.
C)Panetti understands that he will be executed by the state.
D)Panetti understands why he will be executed by the state.
In the Taking Sides issue entitled "Must Mentally Ill Murderers Have a Rational Understanding of Why They Are Being Sentenced to Death?" Nathaniel Quarterman (No) states that a capital convict differs from a capital defendant in that a capital convict:
A)has substantially fewer rights.
B)has substantially greater rights.
C)may not submit a legal appeal regarding his or her sentence to die.
D)falls under federal jurisdiction rather than state jurisdiction.
In the Taking Sides chapter entitled, "Does Research Confirm that Abortion is a Psychologically Benign Experience?" the APA Task Force on Mental Health and Abortion (YES) based its conclusions on a review of:
A)all empirical studies published in English in peer-reviewed journals post-1989.
B)all theoretical papers and editorials published in English in scholarly journals post-1989.
C)all medical records and psychiatric records of women seeking professional help in the American health care system post-1989.
D)all medical records and psychiatric records of women seeking professional help in the American and European health care systems post-1989.
In the Taking Sides chapter entitled, "Does Research Confirm that Abortion is a Psychologically Benign Experience?" the APA Task Force on Mental Health and Abortion (YES) concluded that among women who have an unplanned pregnancy the relative risk of mental health problems is no greater if they have a single elective first-trimester abortion than if they:
A)have a routine medical procedure.
B)have a major surgical procedure.
C)deliver that pregnancy.
D)have a second elective first-trimester abortion.
Dr. A.T. Campbell and Dr. M.P. Aulisio, who believe that individuals with anorexia nervosa have the right to refuse life-sustaining treatment, note that recent years have witnessed a push toward integrated medicine to break down the boundaries between:
A)physician and patient.
B)insurance companies and the clients they serve.
C)physical and mental health.
D)primary physicians, specialists, and hospitals.
Dr. J.O. Tan et al. report that the patients they interviewed generally felt that formal compulsory treatment was neither desirable nor helpful in the absence of:
A)a genuine desire on the part of the patient to get better.
B)life-threatening illness.
C)a psychiatric diagnosis determining that one is not capable of informed consent.
D)significant support from family and friends.
In the Taking Sides chapter entitled "Is the Use of Aversive Treatment an Inhumane Intervention for Psychologically Disordered Individuals?" Laurie Ahern & Eric Rosenthal (YES) present their argument in a formal appeal to:
A)The United Nations.
B)The United States Department of Justice.
C)The American Psychological Association.
D)The International Court of Justice.
In the Taking Sides chapter entitled "Is the Use of Aversive Treatment an Inhumane Intervention for Psychologically Disordered Individuals?" Laurie Ahern & Eric Rosenthal (YES) assert that aversives alleviate symptoms:
A)Only when they are administered by experienced professionals.
B)Only temporarily, while they are in place.
C)Only in children and adolescents.
D)Only in adults.
In the Taking Sides chapter entitled, "Is it Unethical for Psychologists to Be Involved in Coercive Interrogations?" Costanzo, Gerrity, & Lykes (YES) assert that coercive interrogations are:
A)Ineffective in extracting reliable information.
B)Effective in extracting reliable information if properly administered.
C)Permissible only for the purpose of protecting national security in the face of a credible threat.
D)Permissible only when used with convicted perpetrators of terrorism.
In the Taking Sides chapter entitled, "Is it Unethical for Psychologists to Be Involved in Coercive Interrogations?" Costanzo, Gerrity, & Lykes (YES) state that researchers have identified a troubling perceptual bias among people who have received interrogation training. Namely, trained interrogators believe that:
A)People are telling them the truth.
B)People are lying to them.
C)People have no reason to tell the truth.
D)People have no reason to lie.
In the Taking Sides issue entitled "Is It Ethical to Support the Wish for Healthy Limb Amputation in People with Body Integrity Identity Disorder?" Wesley Smith (NO) calls the desire of someone with BIID to amputate a limb:
A)a neurotic obsession.
B)a psychotic delusion.
C)an example of magical thinking.
D)a symptom of borderline personality disorder.
In the Taking Sides issue entitled "Is It Ethical to Support the Wish for Healthy Limb Amputation in People with Body Integrity Identity Disorder?" Tim Bayne and Neil Levy (YES) compare BIID with anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. According to Bayne and Levy, the significant difference between people with BIID and people with anorexia or bulimia is that:
A)people with BIID rarely have symptoms of an eating disorder.
B)people with BIID are closer to the psychotic end of the symptom spectrum than people with anorexia or bulimia.
C)people with anorexia or bulimia fail to recognize the discrepancy between their body and their body image, whereas those with BIID are fully aware of this discrepancy.
D)people with anorexia and bulimia understand that they have a psychological disorder, whereas people with BIID do not.
In the Taking Sides issue entitled "Is Forced Treatment of Seriously Mentally Ill Individuals Justifiable?" James Gottstein (NO) asserts that psychiatric testimony as to a person's dangerousness is:
A)unreliable and likely to overestimate the dangerousness of mentally ill individuals.
B)reliable and likely to protect the welfare of mentally ill individuals.
C)based on nearly a century of cases involving the prediction of dangerousness.
D)is best done by experts in the field of forensic psychiatry.
In the Taking Sides issue entitled "Is Forced Treatment of Seriously Mentally Ill Individuals Justifiable?" Samuel Brakel (YES) refers to "atypicals," which are:
A)individuals with severe symptoms that do not correspond to the diagnostic criteria for psychosis.
B)individuals with severe mental illness who have not been violent.
C)neuroleptic medications that were introduced in the middle of the 20th century.
D)the more recently developed antipsychotic drugs.
Christopher J. Carpenter, who believes that excessive use of Facebook is a form of narcissism, reports that people who had higher scores measuring entitlement and exploitativeness were likely to have negative interactions reported by their:
D)Facebook friends.
Bruce C. McKinney et al., who do not believe that excessive use of Facebook is a form of narcissism, note that findings have been consistent that individuals use social networking sites, particularly Facebook, to:
A)monitor what others are saying about them.
B)make romantic or dating connections.
C)maintain existing relationships and stay connected to people in their lives.
D)keep others informed of their activities.

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