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George W. Bush, 43rd President of the U.S., thinks that No Child Left Behind is beneficial to school improvement because it requires that:
A)states develop accountability plans for student proficiency in reading and math
B)states follow government plans to measure student achievement
C)states report only student progress to parents
D)states recommend tutoring for students in need of improvement at parent expense
Susan Black believes that teachers today are stressed out in the classroom because:
A)they are missing out on other more lucrative job opportunities
B)they have little time to perform their jobs
C)they lack a sense of humor
D)they are failing to meet the mandates of NCLB
According to Ross Greene teacher stress associated with teaching students with AD/HD may be mitigated by:
A)medication dosage of the student with AD/HD
B)experience of the teacher
C)student-teacher compatibility
D)the teacher's view that AD/HD behaviors are voluntary
Kumarakulasingam and Harrington contend that teacher stress and burnout associated with classroom management may be moderated by:
A)level of hope of the student
B)the level of oppositionality of the student
C)goal blockages
D)number of courses in classroom management taken by the teacher
One of the main assumptions of Linnenbrink and Pintrich is that:
A)specific social and cognitive skills are associated with school success
B)students should be described as unmotivated or motivated
C)global scores of motivation are useful in identifying unmotivated students
D)all students can be motivated using the same approach
According to Wentzel and Watkins peer relationships and collaborative learning:
A)can influence student goals and values
B)self-regulation skills
C)problem-solving skills
D)all of the above
In the article by Eric Carbone, it is emphasized that:
A)teachers needs to be ready to consequate inattentive behaviors of students with AD/HD
B)the physical arrangement of the classroom environment can help to support the strengths of students with AD/HD
C)structural responses should be avoided
D)placement of students with AD/HD should be avoided because they make teachers feel burdened and overwhelmed
According to Regina Bussing two areas of least teacher confidence in educational programming for students with AD/HD in the inclusionary classroom were:
A)adjusting lesson plans and setting up behavior contracts
B)parent conferencing and supervision of medications
C)collaboration with special education staff and IEP development
D)counseling and stress reduction for the inclusionary student with AD/HD
Kauffman and his co-writers contend that over-accommodation to meet the needs of students with special needs can have some unintended effects including:
A)normalization of the student with special needs
B)greater independence for the student with special needs
C)greater competence for the student with special needs
D)greater dependence when the reality of the demands of school are avoided
The premise of the teaching tolerance article by Jennifer Holladay is that:
A)students need to be taught how to be more tolerant by their parents
B)students are more intolerant than their teachers
C)teachers need to teach and model tolerance to their students
D)values associated with tolerance should not be taught in the public schools
According to Alfie Kohn even in classrooms in which teachers consciously try to create a respectful and cooperative classroom community, when students act inappropriately, they often assume that:
A)they need to change their instructional style
B)they need to hold a classroom meeting to discuss the problem
C)they need to evaluate their classroom rules
D)they need to correct the student's misbehavior
Which of the following are included among the major premises of assertive discipline according to Swinson and Cording?
A)rules should be clear and unambiguous
B)continuous negative feedback should be given to students breaking the class rules
C)assert yourself when class rules are broken and send the student directly to the principal's office
D)develop a democratic management style in conjunction with the students in a class meeting
A child is praised by the teacher for diligently working on an art project. After the praise is delivered the student follows the teacher around the classroom to show how she has improved her art work even further. The teacher directs the student to sit down. What has happened in this scenario according to Alfie Kohn?
A)the student has lost intrinsic interest in the art work
B)the student is soliciting more praise from the teacher
C)the student's personal motivation for achievement in art has been reduced
D)all of the above
K. Angelique Akin-Little and colleagues dispute the claim that extrinsic reinforcement in the classroom is bribery by using which of the following arguments:
A)it is useless to claim that students "should be" intrinsically motivated when they are not
B)extrinsic reinforcers have been found to be effective in increasing positive behaviors when applied correctly
C)extrinsic reinforcers that communicate task performance and that satisfy needs have been found to increase intrinsic motivation
D)all of the above
According to Readdick and Chapman young children's perceptions of time-out may not match those of their teachers. Which of the following findings from their research represents one such mismatch?
A)as many children reported feeling happy in time-out as feeling sad
B)students do not seem to share the same reason for their being placed in time-out as that provided by the classroom teacher
C)a majority of students in time-out felt disliked by their teacher but most felt liked by their friends
D)both a and b
According to Robert Harrington, one of the reasons that time-out is overused and not always very effective is that classroom managers do not always understand that:
A)classroom managers do not always understand that time-out will only work if the student finds the current classroom activity reinforcing
B)time-out does not teach a replacement skill
C)sometimes students see time-out as a way to avoid work
D)all of the above
One of the major tenets of the article by Brinker, Goldstein and Tisak is that elementary school-age children think that:
A)conventional punishment works best for conventional classroom transgressions
B)removal punishment works best for conventional classroom transgressions
C)punishment does not work
D)conventional punishment works best for moral violations
Maag argues that punishment has been embraced by classroom managers over more positive approaches because:
A)punishment is easy to administer
B)punishment suppresses many types of classroom behaviors
C)punishment is a part of Judeo-Christian history
D)all of the above
Elias, Wang, Weissberg, Zins, and Walberg contend that there are some skills that students must develop for academic and life success. These skills include all of the following except:
A)knowing and managing emotions
C)showing ethical and social responsibility
D)appreciating diversity
David Elkind refers to character education as an ineffective luxury because:
A)character education is already being adequately taught by parents
B)character education is not part of the standardized curriculum
C)character education has no demonstrated benefits
D)character education has few proponents
As an alternative to "bully-proofing" Skinner and colleagues offer classswide positive peer reporting. The authors refer to this strategy as:
The major goal(s) of bully-proofing according to the article written by Go and Murdock is to:
A)improve school climate
B)reduce the incidence of bullying
C)increase school safety
D)both b and c
The term used to describe a classroom or school that does not include culturally diverse practices:
B)melting pot
Strategies name to help students develop a positive self image include all of the following EXCEPT:
A)ditching the cultural deprivation model
B)utilizing content that incorporates positive images of many ethnic groups
C)utilizing cooperative learning groups
D)utilizing corporal punishment
An alternative to punitive methods for discipline mentioned in the Duhaney article:
A)group-oriented management systems
B)individualized behavior plans
C)teacher-student discussions
D)phone calls to parents
According to Duhaney, a valuable resource in working with culturally diverse students is working with the:
A)the child's previous teacher
B)the principal
C)the special education team
D)the child's family
The major concern shared in the Groulx and Thomas article regarding pre-service teachers is their understanding and skill level related to:
B)understanding related to multicultural issues
C)understanding related to teaming approaches
D)mastering the content of the subjects they are teaching
Groulx and Thomas believe that a competent multicultural training program consists of all of the following EXCEPT:
A)internships in urban or multicultural areas
C)guest speakers
D)instructional strategies
Research has shown that the following characteristics seem to make field experiences more negative for pre-services teachers in urban settings:
A)low expectations, negative assumptions, and lack of awareness
B)high expectations, negative assumptions, and lack of awareness
C)low expectations, negative assumptions, and awareness
D)low expectations, neutral assumptions, and lack of awareness
An important element in training pre-service teachers to work in multicultural sights should include:
A)discouragement of negative responses to child and school situations
B)opportunity to validate feelings and observations of children and schools
C)opportunity to discuss observations with children
D)discouragement of all communication regarding observations
Vail describes _______ as an essential component to parent education programs
A)finding the ethnic differences between staff and parents
B)giving lessons in a lecture format
C)making parents feel welcome
D)teaching parents about the curriculum
Vail's article presents parenting classes as an important component of helping children come to school ready to learn. The philosophy behind this statement can be expressed by the following:
A)parent education offers information related to getting good grades
B)parent education offers support, education, and information
C)parent education provides advice from experts on child rearing
D)parent education lets those families who do not understand much about child rearing catch up to those families who do
The most common response to disciplinary infractions in schools are:
One of the problems of predicting future violent behavior with children who show indicators for future behavior problems is:
A)they have temperamental differences
B)they have personality differences
C)only about 50% show antisocial behaviors into adolescence or adulthood
D)only about 50% receive appropriate interventions
In the article "Is Freedom Safe", Sam Chaltain argued that protecting and teaching first amendment rights to students is important for schools because:
A)it's the law
B)most other schools are doing it
C)the public expects it
D)it will assist with safety in the schools
Survey results collected by the First Amendment Center and the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development found that:
A)many educators are not fully aware of first amendment rights
B)schools are providing classes that include information on the constitutional amendments
C)the majority of educators are familiar with national guidelines on religious expression
D)most educators believe students should write about controversial topics without school approval
Martin proposes that a difficulty with implementing discipline policies is that administrators are continually balancing:
A)teacher requests and student requests
B)rights of the student and rights of the parents
C)rights of the student and rights of the student body
D)rights of the student body and rights of the administrators
Increased zero tolerance policies have been prompted by:
A)increase in school shooting stories in the media
B)increase in school violence
C)ineffective policies that were not working
D)frustrated principals
"Coercive cycles" can be described as:
A)making a child do something they do not want to do
B)poor interaction patterns with siblings
C)inconsistent and/or punitive discipline practices
D)poor interaction patterns with adults
Coupling which two predictive variables has shown the greatest correlation with aggression?
A)parental warmth and sibling rejection
B)parental rejection and destructive sibling conflict
C)teacher rejection and destructive sibling conflict
D)teacher rejection and sibling rejection
An argument for school based mental health services includes the following:
A)educators are well trained to assist in providing mental health services
B)families are in favor of school based mental health services
C)schools assist with accessibility problems in attaining mental health services
D)school based mental health professionals are not busy enough
Based upon the PALS research program in the Atkins, Graczyk, Frazier, and Abdul-Adil article, important factors for reaching families that are traditionally underserved include:
A)understanding and payment options
B)flexibility with programming and family outreach
C)flexibility with programming and understanding
D)flexibility with payment and family outreach
One significant concern in the media regarding children/adolescents taking SSRI's is the possibility of:
A)gaining weight
B)becoming manic
C)becoming apathetic
D)increase in suicidal thoughts
A major concern presented in the Couzin article regarding the increase in prescription rates of SSRI's with children/adolescents is that:
A)physicians increased prescription rates without much research on effectiveness
B)physicians increased prescription rates without proper evaluation of child's symptoms
C)physicians not understanding the cost of the medications for families
D)physicians wanting to have better treatment for children
Adolescent violence is most often in the form of which TWO types?
A)psychopathological violence
B)predatory violence
C)situational violence
D)relationship violence
The main difficulty with violence prevention programs is that they:
A)are too comprehensive to implement
B)require too much staff time
C)are not in accordance with school policy
D)do not cover the spectrum of reasons behind violence
Ryan Peterson defined three types of restraint. Ambulatory restraint refers to:
A)use of any device or object to limit a person's body movement
B)therapeutic holding
C)using medication to control behavior
D)using machines to control behavior and body movement
The use of physical restraint originated in:
B)psychiatric hospitals
D)doctors' offices

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