1 | | For John Dewey, who believes that schooling should be based on social experiences, the best type of intellectual organization is based on: |
| | A) | rationalization. |
| | B) | empirical sciences. |
| | C) | metaphysics. |
| | D) | speculation. |
2 | | For Robert M. Hutchins, who does not believe that schooling should be based on social experiences, the basic purpose of schooling is to: |
| | A) | train good citizens. |
| | B) | improve man as man. |
| | C) | prepare people for occupations. |
| | D) | develop existential understanding. |
3 | | In the view of Mortimer J. Adler, who believes that the curriculum should be standardized for all, the worst cultural disease in modern society is: |
| | A) | specialization. |
| | B) | technology. |
| | C) | bureaucratization. |
| | D) | affluence. |
4 | | According to John Holt, who does not believe that the curriculum should be standardized for all: |
| | A) | parents, rather than government, should make all educational decisions. |
| | B) | parents may only exert their natural authority to influence their children's educational choices. |
| | C) | children should deal directly with school authorities on all educational matters. |
| | D) | public schools should be eliminated. |
5 | | B. F. Skinner, who believes that behaviorism should shape educational practices, holds a theory that puts maximum emphasis on the constructive power of: |
| | A) | behavioral controls. |
| | B) | genetic endowment. |
| | C) | inner freedom. |
| | D) | positive reinforcers. |
6 | | Carl R. Rogers, who does not believe that behaviorism should shape educational practices, contends that inner, subjective freedom exists in a dimension beyond: |
| | A) | human dignity. |
| | B) | the mind-body relationship. |
| | C) | material existence. |
| | D) | cause-effect determinism. |
7 | | David Elkind, who believes that constructivism is the best philosophy of education, states that teaching will become a true profession only when we have a genuine: |
| | A) | acceptance of group difference in learning styles. |
| | B) | science of education. |
| | C) | understanding of children. |
| | D) | commitment to research. |
8 | | Jamin Carson, who does not believe that constructivism is the best philosophy of education, criticizes Elkind's advocacy of education as a science because in Carson's opinion, for a constructivist, advocating a science of education is: |
| | A) | objectionist. |
| | B) | unscientific. |
| | C) | contradictory. |
| | D) | controversial. |
9 | | According to Marc Tucker in "Charting a New Course for Schools," competing against foreign competition in the labor force requires creating schools that: |
| | A) | are a benchmark against education practices in foreign school system. |
| | B) | teach leading edge technologies. |
| | C) | create innovative workers. |
| | D) | emphasize cultural diversity to better understand the nature of the competition. |
10 | | In "Subtractive Education," Herb Childress refers to "additive education" as the process of: |
| | A) | creating an enjoyment of numbers in students. |
| | B) | one specialist "screwing" on the next educational component. |
| | C) | creating a desire for new "added" learning after graduation. |
| | D) | using cooperate learning so that each student "adds" his or her talents to the group. |
11 | | Kristan A. Morrison, who believes that truly democratic classrooms are possible, refers to the work of such critical educational theorists as Paulo Freire and Maxine Greene, who argue that, in schools, certain moral, political, and intellectual ideals: |
| | A) | should take precedence over other ideals. |
| | B) | have become confused with traditional educational ideals. |
| | C) | have no place whatsoever. |
| | D) | should not take precedence over traditional educational ideals. |
12 | | Gary K. Clabaugh, who does not believe that truly democratic classrooms are possible, contends that work-world values are: |
| | A) | unrelated to competition and personal worth. |
| | B) | not applicable to the values of school-age children. |
| | C) | virtually identical to conventional school values. |
| | D) | as democratic as anything in life gets. |
13 | | Charles L. Glenn, who believes that the Supreme Court has reconfigured American education, contends that Rousseau's underlying intention is to: |
| | A) | liberate the child. |
| | B) | deconstruct the standards of right and wrong. |
| | C) | destroy all intellectual authority. |
| | D) | make the search for information easier. |
14 | | Paul E. Peterson, who does not believe that the Supreme Court has reconfigured American education, contends that for Justice Clarence Thomas and President George W. Bush, vouchers are purely: |
| | A) | a civil rights issue. |
| | B) | a legal issue. |
| | C) | a fairness issue. |
| | D) | an education issue. |
15 | | Some policy experts, such as Phillip C. Schlechty, maintain that local control over education is particularly important in that it: |
| | A) | contributes to a sense of community. |
| | B) | can be designed to meet the specific goals of a community. |
| | C) | counteracts overreaching by the federal government in other areas of people's lives. |
| | D) | is primarily financed by the local government. |
16 | | Soon, as Sharon L. Nichols and David C. Berliner report, the testing requirements of NCLB will be expanded to include: |
| | A) | civics. |
| | B) | history. |
| | C) | science. |
| | D) | a foreign language. |
17 | | Ruby Paine, who believes that a deficit model serves poor children well, says that teachers can help students become comfortable with the abstract representations characteristic of school by giving them: |
| | A) | just 10 minutes of extra time per day. |
| | B) | rewards. |
| | C) | mental models. |
| | D) | creative challenges. |
18 | | Mistilina Sato and Timothy J. Lensmire, who do not believe that a deficit model serves poor children well, agree with an analysis by Bomer et al., in which Payne's work is assessed as a classic example of: |
| | A) | an unfinished thought. |
| | B) | misguided sentiment. |
| | C) | retrograde ideology. |
| | D) | deficit thinking. |
19 | | With regard to efforts to more precisely understand "public schooling," Frederick M. Hess, who believes that "public schooling" should be redefined, would agree with all of the following statements except: |
| | A) | public schools are obligated to teach tolerance and diversity. |
| | B) | public schools are obligated to teach respect for the constitutional order. |
| | C) | schooling entails both public and private purposes. |
| | D) | academic learning serves the individual and the needs of the state. |
20 | | According to Linda Nathan et al., who do not believe that "public schooling" should be redefined, when it comes to opening minds to a critical look at new ideas in public education, which one of the following would be the easiest to approach? |
| | A) | social goals and civic priorities |
| | B) | matters of ethics and values |
| | C) | educational philosophies and educators' professional skills |
| | D) | teaching skills and developing social cohesion in each generation |
21 | | More than half of all undocumented immigrants have been living in the United States for at least five years and identify themselves as: |
| | A) | citizens. |
| | B) | Americans. |
| | C) | temporary visitors. |
| | D) | necessary workers. |
22 | | A recent report concerning illegal immigration maintains that ending the contribution of illegal immigrants to the U.S. economy would have an impact comparable to a: |
| | A) | severe natural disaster. |
| | B) | large-scale public works program to put unskilled U.S. workers in jobs. |
| | C) | major tax increase. |
| | D) | cutting of numerous social welfare programs. |
23 | | David L. Kirp, who believes that the time has arrived for universal preschool, points out that preschool for three-year-olds and especially four-year-olds: |
| | A) | has lately become popular. |
| | B) | has been popular for almost a hundred years. |
| | C) | should follow strict government regulations. |
| | D) | is a requirement in nearly all countries except the United States. |
24 | | Douglas J. Besharov and Douglas M. Call, who do not believe that the time has arrived for universal preschool, claim that the "web of federally administered, community-based programs" sounds, for good reason, like an echo of: |
| | A) | No Child Left Behind. |
| | B) | the War on Poverty. |
| | C) | the New Deal. |
| | D) | Reaganomics. |
25 | | Education research-and-development at the federal level, as presented by Chris Whittle, is 1/100th of what is spent on: |
| | A) | health care. |
| | B) | teacher compensation. |
| | C) | national defense. |
| | D) | federal employee benefits. |
26 | | Henry Levin estimates that the annual loss of state and federal revenues from the millions of high school dropouts could be as high as: |
| | A) | $1.7 billion. |
| | B) | $50 billion. |
| | C) | $600 million. |
| | D) | $750 billion. |
27 | | Mara Sapon-Shevin, who believes that the inclusive classroom model is working, says that it is time we understand that inclusive, diverse classrooms are: |
| | A) | conspicuously absent from many school districts. |
| | B) | here to stay. |
| | C) | an endangered species. |
| | D) | based on a 250-year-old model. |
28 | | Wade A. Carpenter, who does not believe that the inclusive classroom model is working, says that our society has not yet provided enough support or alternatives for exceptional students, nor has it learned how to: |
| | A) | discriminate well. |
| | B) | be comfortable with them. |
| | C) | make exceptional teaching an imperative. |
| | D) | nurture the average student. |
29 | | The Gates Foundation version of the three R's include all of the following EXCEPT: |
| | A) | readiness. |
| | B) | relevance. |
| | C) | rigor. |
| | D) | relationships. |
30 | | For Leon Botstein, a key element to transforming schools and decreasing the dropout rate is: |
| | A) | early college programs. |
| | B) | remedial preparation programs. |
| | C) | peer tutoring. |
| | D) | universal early education. |
31 | | Intelligent Design advocates work at the: |
| | A) | Heritage Foundation |
| | B) | Hoover Institution |
| | C) | American Enterprise Institute. |
| | D) | Discovery Institute. |
32 | | In Dan Peterson's article, "The Little Engine that Could . . .Undo Darwinism," what is "the little engine"? |
| | A) | intelligent design |
| | B) | a nanotech medical device |
| | C) | bacteria flagellum |
| | D) | a miniaturized rotary engine |
33 | | In the words of Peter Meyer, who believes that single-sex schools and classes are effective, serious educators realize that single-sex schools and classrooms are not a threat, but another: |
| | A) | thumbs up for students' rights. |
| | B) | footprint in the march against scholastic inequity. |
| | C) | arrow in the quiver of quality education. |
| | D) | voice in the chorus for equal opportunity. |
34 | | Vincent A. Anfara, Jr., and Steven B. Mertens, who do not believe that single-sex schools and classes are effective, provide some background by citing Tyack and Hansot and also Hawtrey, who found that, since the late nineteenth century, the factors of major impetus for the rising "tide of coeducation" were: |
| | A) | academic. |
| | B) | economic. |
| | C) | political. |
| | D) | cultural. |
35 | | David Souter, who believes that a zero-tolerance policy can violate students' rights, reports that Savana Redding was taken to the school nurse's office to search her clothes and person for: |
| | A) | pills. |
| | B) | weapons. |
| | C) | cigarettes. |
| | D) | threatening notes. |
36 | | Clarence Thomas, who does not believe that zero tolerance can violate students' rights, notes that delineating the proper scope of a search of students in a way that is identical to that permitted for searches outside the school is referenced in the Court's T. L. O. decision as the: |
| | A) | justification for the action. |
| | B) | nature of the infraction. |
| | C) | character of the circumstance. |
| | D) | context of the incident. |
37 | | In the opinion of Frederick M. Hess, who believes that computers negatively affect student growth, the use of technology in education is different from its use in business and government because in business and government, technology is used as: |
| | A) | an end in itself. |
| | B) | cost-cutting tool. |
| | C) | a tool for self-improvement. |
| | D) | a diagnostic tool. |
38 | | Lowell Monke, who does not believe that computers negatively affect student growth, contends that the general computer skills that a youth needs to enter the workplace or college can be learned in: |
| | A) | a few weeks. |
| | B) | one year of instruction during high school. |
| | C) | the years between kindergarten and fourth grade. |
| | D) | none of the above |
39 | | Which one of the following organizations, directed by Linda Darling-Hammond, is a primary target of the criticism of Robert Holland, who believes that alternative teacher training should be encouraged? |
| | A) | National Education Association |
| | B) | National Board for Professional Teaching Standards |
| | C) | National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education |
| | D) | National Commission on Teaching and America's Future |
40 | | According to Linda Darling-Hammond, who does not believe that alternative teacher training should be encouraged, the most important role of universities in the preparation of teachers is to: |
| | A) | identify intellectual competence in teacher candidates. |
| | B) | develop the ability of candidates to understand the learner's perspective. |
| | C) | identify candidates who love children. |
| | D) | develop the academic research skills of candidates. |
41 | | The Tennessee Value-Added Assessment System, says Steven Malanga, who believes that merit pay can accelerate school improvement, proved that: |
| | A) | good teaching can be accurately quantified. |
| | B) | not only does teaching matter, but some teachers are lots better than others. |
| | C) | student performance is more closely tied to school system quality rather than teacher quality. |
| | D) | teachers perform better with the incentive of merit pay. |
42 | | Al Ramirez, who does not believe that merit pay can accelerate school improvement, recommends that policymakers, leaders, and deliberative bodies investigating the value of merit pay systems ask all of the following questions except: |
| | A) | Am I clear about whom to reward? |
| | B) | Can a school district be run like a business? |
| | C) | Will this evaluation and reward system eventually reap better student test scores? |
| | D) | Is this evaluation and reward system fair? |
43 | | Chris Gabrieli, who believes that American students need more time in school, points out that President Obama and Secretary of Education Duncan are challenging educators to move beyond a school schedule and calendar that were developed for: |
| | A) | the Thirteen Colonies. |
| | B) | suburban white families. |
| | C) | a farm and factory era. |
| | D) | the convenience of school boards. |
44 | | Larry Cuban, who does not believe that American students need more time in school, concludes that the three primary reasons school time fixes have failed are: |
| | A) | teacher unions, parental efforts, and conservative social goals. |
| | B) | lackluster research, cost, and parental efforts. |
| | C) | cost, lackluster research, and conservative social goals. |
| | D) | lackluster research, teacher unions, and cost. |
45 | | Andrew J. Rotherham and Daniel T. Willingham, who believe that the "21st century skills" movement is viable, contend that sometimes we fail to recognize that we have a particular thinking skill unless: |
| | A) | we are told so. |
| | B) | we have been taught "thinking-recognition" skills. |
| | C) | it comes in the form of known content. |
| | D) | it is apparent that someone else does not have that particular skill. |
46 | | Diana Senechal, who does not believe that the "21st century skills" movement is viable, claims that by taking certain ideas to extremes, the movement's reformers are: |
| | A) | forsaking intellectual study in the name of "real life." |
| | B) | convincing no one. |
| | C) | rolling the dice on the future of American technology. |
| | D) | regressing to a more backward approach to education. |