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George M. Fredrickson, who argues that Radical Reconstruction failed as a result of racism, focuses his attention on white commitments, North and South, to:
A)provide full equality for former slaves
B)support the doctrine of white supremacy
C)the Ku Klux Klan
D)the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments
Heather Cox Richardson, who does not believe that Reconstruction failed as a result of racism, argues instead that Reconstruction ideals fell victim to:
A)the real limitations of African Americans to contribute to the national economy.
B)the violence of the Ku Klux Klan.
C)the lack of commitment by the national government to voting rights for blacks.
D)a national commitment to the free-labor ideology that prevented the central government from legislating rights for African Americans that other citizens had acquired through hard work
According to Professor Courtwright:
A)type-one frontier centered on mining and ranching while type-two centered on farming.
B)type-one frontier centered on farming while type two centered on mining and ranching.
C)type one and type two had more common characteristics than different ones.
D)the mining and ranching frontiers had more families than the farming frontier.
As settlers moved from the North and South to the Western territories, the major determining factor was:
A)fertile soil.
According to Professor Howard Zinn, the late nineteenth century men of big business were:
A)"robber barons."
B)entrepreneurial statesmen.
C)organizational geniuses.
D)crisis managers.
E)both b and c.
According to business writer John Steele Gordon, the late nineteenth century men of big business were:
A)"robber barons."
B)entrepreneurial statesmen.
C)organizational geniuses.
D)crisis managers.
E)both b and c.
According to Fink, a major independent working class political movement never developed in the United States because:
A)workers accepted the basic values of capitalism.
B)ethnic conflicts overshadowed any pretense of a unified working-class consciousness.
C)loyalty to the two major political parties developed before the transformation of the economy by the Industrial Revolution.
D)by the 1890s the labor movement had fragmented, business had reorganized, and the political parties had made an attempt to reform the worst abuses of the industrial system.
According to Degler, socialism failed to develop into a mass movement in the United States because:
A)loyalty to political parties was separated from economic issues.
B)of the success of capitalism.
C)"Americanism" as an ideology substitutes for socialism.
D)all of the above
According to Oscar Handlin, who believes that nineteenth-century immigrants to the United States were "uprooted" from their Old World cultures, life in the United States:
A)was exactly what the immigrants had anticipated when they left their homelands.
B)created as much alienation for the immigrants as their native land.
C)prevented immigrants from quickly assimilating to American mores.
D)was so hostile that immigrants quickly returned to their homelands
According to Mark Wyman, who does not believe that late-nineteenth-century immigrants were "uprooted" from their Old World cultures, a majority of these immigrants:
A)quickly forgot their Old World customs.
B)rapidly embraced their adopted country.
C)quickly learned to speak and write English.
D)fully expected to return home after acquiring wealth in the United States.
According to Richard Hofstadter, the Populists were irrational reactionaries, who supported:
A)democracy through cooperative effort.
B)the belief in a conspiracy of the international money power.
C)the growth of industry at the expense of farmers.
D)reforms suggested by William McKinley.
According to Charles Postel, who does not believe the Populists were irrational reactionaries, Populism:
A)represented the premodern and republican past.
B)opposed the advent of the modern market economy.
C)held unrealistic goals.
D)provided an impetus for modernizing processes in the form of Progressive era legislation.
According to Donald Spivey, who believes that Booker T. Washington betrayed the interests of African Americans, Washington:
A)approved of Jim Crow laws.
B)supported a Back-To-Africa movement.
C)opposed educating African Americans after the Civil War.
D)failed to provide adequate educational training for African Americans.
According to Robert Norrell, who does not think that Booker T. Washington was a traitor to his people, Washington was:
A)a supporter of lynching of African Americans.
B)an accommodationist.
C)an opponent of racial progress.
D)all of the above
According to Richard M. Abrams, who believes that the Progressives failed, the movement drew its strength from:
A)big business.
C)well-established middle-class reformers.
D)military leaders.
According to Arthur S. Link and Richard L. McCormick, who do not believe that the Progressives failed, the biggest mass-based reform era in American history was:
A)Jacksonian democracy.
D)the New Deal.
Before he became president, Woodrow Wilson spent most of his life as a:
Before he became President, Wilson had been:
A)president of Princeton University.
B)Governor of Virginia.
C)Governor of New Jersey.
D)both a and b.
E)both a and c.
According to David Kyvig, who argues that prohibition failed in the 1920s, when the Eighteenth Amendment took effect in 1920, most observers:
A)assumed that intoxicants would be eliminated altogether.
B)believed that there would be widespread violation of the new law.
C)feared that gangsters would quickly control a black market liquor trade.
D)were totally indifferent to the debate surrounding prohibition.
According to John C. Burnham, who insists that the prohibition experiment was more a success than a failure, the anti-liquor forces in the early twentieth century were led by:
A)President Warren Harding.
B)the United States Congress.
C)the Anti-Saloon League.
D)state and local governments.
According to Robert A. Theobald, who believes that information about the attack on Pearl Harbor was deliberately withheld from the American commanders, President Franklin D. Roosevelt:
A)knew in advance that the Japanese were going to attack Pearl Harbor.
B)suspected but did not know for sure that the Japanese were going to attack Pearl Harbor.
C)believed that the Japanese were going to attack Russia.
D)believed that the Japanese were going to bomb U.S. cities on the west coast.
According to Roberta Wohlstetter, who does not believe that information about the attack on Pearl Harbor was deliberately withheld from the American commanders, the American military was surprised at Pearl Harbor because:
A)U.S. intelligence agents were unable to break the Japanese codes in good time.
B)Japanese agents successfully mined the harbor.
C)the American commanders at the harbor were incompetent.
D)U.S. intelligence agencies did not systematically analyze the information that was available to them.
According to Professor Offner most of the blame for the Cold War was:
A)caused by Stalin.
B)caused by Truman.
C)caused by both sides.
D)an inevitable force of history.
According to Professor Gaddis most of the blame for the Cold War was:
A)caused by Stalin.
B)caused by Truman.
C)caused by both sides.
D)an inevitable force of history.
According to Jody Pennington, rock and roll:
A)shook up American parents and their traditional values.
B)had roots that were conservative and commercial.
C)never became part of mainstream popular music.
D)was irrelevant to the feelings of teenagers.
According to J. Ronald Oakley, rock and roll:
A)shook up American values.
B)had roots that were conservative and commercial.
C)never became part of mainstream popular music.
D)was irrelevant to the feelings of teenagers.
According to Carl Brauer, who believes that President Kennedy demonstrated a strong commitment to civil rights, Kennedy:
A)single-handedly secured passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
B)helped to lay the foundation for Lyndon Johnson's civil rights accomplishments.
C)expressed a commitment to civil rights issues long before he became President of the United States.
D)was instrumental in providing protection for civil rights workers who found themselves under attack from white racists in the South.
According to Nick Bryant, who does not think that President Kennedy demonstrated a strong commitment to civil rights, Kennedy:
A)took an overly cautious approach to civil rights.
B)abdicated his responsibility to lead on this matter far too long.
C)exacerbated the problems of white racism by failing to confront or antagonize white members of the Southern Caucus in Congress.
D)all of the above
According to F. Carolyn Graglia, who believes that the women's liberation movement has been harmful to American women, women's place should be at:
C)both home and work.
D)child care centers.
According to Sara M. Evans, who does not believe that the women's liberation movement has been harmful to American women, the movement was first reincarnated in the 1960s by the:
A)National Women's Suffrage Association.
B)National Commission of the Status of Women.
C)National Organization for Women (NOW).
D)both b and c.
According to Fareed Zakaria:
A)America is in a period of decline.
B)America is in a period of tremendous growth.
C)America is one of five major powers in the world along with China, India, Brazil and Russia.
D)America has been superseded by China as the world's major power.
According to Andrew Bacevich:
A)America is in a period of decline.
B)America is in a period of tremendous growth.
C)America is one of five major powers in the world along with China, India, Brazil and Russia.
D)America has been superseded by China as the world's major power.

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