As American businesspeople travel the
globe, they encounter and must quickly
adapt to a variety of cultural norms quite
different from the United States. When
encountering individuals from other parts of
the world, the best attitude to adopt is "Here is my way.
Now what is yours?" The more you see that you are part of
a complex world and that your culture is different from, not
better than, others, the better you will communicate and
the more effective you will be in a variety of situations. It
takes time, energy, understanding, and tolerance to learn
about and appreciate other cultures. Naturally you're
more comfortable doing things the way you've always
done them. Remember, however, that this fact will also be
true of the people from other cultures with whom you are
doing business. Task
You will "travel the globe" by answering questions related
to some of the cultural norms that are found in other
countries. Form groups of four to six class members and
determine the answers to the following questions. Your
instructor has the answer key, which will allow you to
determine your group's Global Awareness IQ, which is
based on a maximum score of 100 points (10 points per
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