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Microbiology Prep
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LearnSmart Prep for Microbiology is designed to help prepare students for their upcoming coursework in introductory microbiology. Using super adaptive technology, the program identifies what a student doesn’t know, and then provides “teachable moments” designed to mimic the office hour experience. When combined with a personalized learning plan, an unprepared or struggling student has all the tools they need to quickly and effectively learn the foundational knowledge and skills necessary to be successful in a college level course.

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LearnSmart Prep is a super adaptive product that quickly and efficiently prepares students for a college level course. LearnSmart Prep is powered by the adaptive questions in LearnSmart, and identifies what a student knows and doesn’t know. It then provides students with specific learning resources designed to teach the concepts they are struggling with the most. LearnSmart Prep also encourages retention of the material by identifying what concepts a student is most likely to forget and bringing those concepts back for review right before the student is about to forget them. The time management feature in LearnSmart Prep keeps students on track as they work through the program.

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