Object Oriented Systems Analysis and Design using UML, 3/e
Simon Bennett,
Celesio AG Steve McRobb,
De Montfort University Ray Farmer,
Coventry University
ISBN: 0077110005 Copyright year: 2006
Welcome to the Online Learning Centre for Object-Oriented Systems Analysis and Design using UML, 3rd edition
Object-Oriented Systems Analysis and Design using UML 3rd edition is the thoroughly revised and updated edition of this best-selling text. With over 40,000 copies sold world-wide, Bennett, McRobb and Farmer’s text remains a key teaching resource for Systems Analysis and Design courses at both undergraduate and postgraduate Masters levels.
New to this edition:
Fully updated notation follows the very latest version of the UML standard and reflects the most up-to-date approaches to information systems development.
New focus on component-based development, Agile software development, eXtreme Programming, Model-Driven Architecture, and other recent advances in the software development process.
New chapter on System Architecture explains how information systems are designed to work together in complex modern enterprises.
All chapters have been revised and fully updated to reflect contemporary developments in the world of object-oriented analysis and design.
On this OLC you can find a host of information about the book, as well as a range of downloadable supplements for students and lecturers.
The Student Centre contains material to accompany the study of Object-Oriented Systems Analysis and Design using UML. This material includes:
Online Glossary
Student Self-test Questions
Useful Weblinks
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for lecturers who adopt the book. The material found in the Lecturer Centre includes:
A Guide to the New Edition
Solutions to Review Questions
Additional Review Questions
Solutions to Case Study Work, Exercises and Projects
Artwork from the book
Additional New Cases
Cases from the Previous Edition
PowerPoint Slides
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