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Chapter 20

Reusable Components


More and more vendors are now producing component software. The best known examples are Enterprise Java Beans (EJB), COM/DCOM, CORBA and the IBM SanFrancisco Project.  For more information, see:
A good example of a source of commercial components is ComponentSource.  This shows how mature the market is for commercial components in a range of languages.

Reusable Asset Specification

The Reusable Asset Specification (RAS) is an OMG standard that is listed in the OMG's catalogue of modelling and metadata specificationsVersion 2.1 is the current adopted specification.   It has been adopted by the vendors of a number of component management tools.

Component Managers

There are also component management products that do not support RAS. A good example is Select Business Solutions' Select Component Manager.

Component Development

A good source of professional development information on component-based development is CBDI Forum.  Some of the information on the site is free, though some is only available by subscription.
For information on web services development and the issues around service-oriented architecture, zapthink is a good source.

O-O Systems Analy, Bennett, 3eOnline Learning Center

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