Fundamentals of Corporate Finance: European Edition
David Hillier,
University of Strathclyde
ISBN: 0077125258 Copyright year: 2012
Welcome to the Online Learning Centre for Fundamentals of Corporate Finance, 1st European Edition, by David Hillier, Iain Clacher, Stephen Ross, Randolph Westerfield and Bradford Jordan.
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Fundamentals of Corporate Finance, 1st European Edition, brings to life the modern-day core principles of corporate finance using a problem solving approach. The book is an adaptation of the highly successful Fundamentals of Corporate Finance text by Ross, Westerfield and Jordan and is aimed specifically at an international audience.
Key features of this new European edition include:
• More relevant coverage of regulatory frameworks, international corporations and organizations. • A wealth of new examples and cases looking at corporate finance in action at well-known international companies such as BMW, Google, Lloyds TSB, McDonalds, Louis Vuitton, Ryanair, Nokia and many more. • Numerous opportunities to test your knowledge with Concept Questions, Chapter Review and Self Test Problems, Concept Review and Critical Thinking Questions, and Questions and Problems.
David Hillier is a professor of finance at the University of Strathclyde. He research focuses on corporate governance, corporate finance, insider trading, and behavioural finance. Professor Hillier is an established teacher of executive programmes and has conducted courses for a variety of professional clients. He is also the adapting author of the European editions of Financial Markets and Corporate Strategy (McGraw-Hill, 2008) and Corporate Finance (McGraw-Hill, 2010).
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The Lecturer Centre for this title contains solutions to questions in the textbook, PowerPoint presentations for each chapter and artwork.
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