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Multiple Choice Quiz
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When is it rational to hire outside help rather than do a task yourself?
A)When opportunity cost is greater than hired cost
B)When opportunity cost is less than hired cost
C)When opportunity cost is equal to hired cost
D)It is always better to do the task yourself
Which of the following principles explains specialization and trade?
A)The principle of absolute advantage
B)The low hanging fruit principle
C)The principle of comparative advantage
D)The principle of increasing opportunity cost
If you want to represent the relationship between the quantity of product X and the opportunity cost of product Y graphically, the curve would be:
B)Upward sloping
D)Downward sloping
Questions 14 to 16 relate to the following table:

You are given the following preparation times for Farah and Sarah:

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Based on the table above, who has an absolute advantage?
A)Farah has an absolute advantage in both pizza and burger
B)Sarah has an absolute advantage in both pizza and burger
C)Farah has a comparative advantage in burger
D)None of the above
In an 8 hour day, which of the following is true?
A)Farah's opportunity cost of preparing 1 pizza is ½ a burger
B)Sarah's opportunity cost of preparing 1 burger is 1½ pizzas
C)Farah's opportunity cost of preparing 1 burger is 2 pizzas
D)Sarah's opportunity cost of preparing 1 pizza is 1½ burgers
Based on the table above, Farah has a comparative advantage in:
Which of the following is true regarding the production possibilities curve (PPC) presented below?

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A)Point A represents an attainable, efficient outcome
B)Point C represents an attainable, inefficient outcome
C)Point B represents an attainable, efficient outcome
D)Point B represents an attainable, inefficient outcome
The following table represents production possibilities for an imaginary economy for a given year

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If the production possibilities frontier is bowed outward, then X is most likely
Which of the following statements is / are true of the production possibilities curve (PPC)?
  1. The PPC is typically bowed outward due to the principle of increasing opportunity cost
  2. The PPC assumes that the prices of the products are equal
  3. The PPC assumes that once an efficient combination is attained, you can produce more of one good only by producing more of the other good
  4. The PPC is based on a fixed level of resources and technology
A)Statement 3 only
B)Statement 1 and 2
C)Statement 1 and 4
D)All of the above
The following is a production possibilities curve (PPC) of an imaginary economy.

<a onClick="'/olcweb/cgi/pluginpop.cgi?it=jpg::::/sites/dl/free/007712961x/946031/2_20.JPG','popWin', 'width=NaN,height=NaN,resizable,scrollbars');" href="#"><img valign="absmiddle" height="16" width="16" border="0" src="/olcweb/styles/shared/linkicons/image.gif"> (6.0K)</a>

If the economy is currently producing at point W, what is the opportunity cost of moving to point X?
A)5 million tons of paper
B)3 million tons of steel
D)9 million tons of paper

Frank: Principles of EconomicsOnline Learning Center

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