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Multiple Choice Quiz
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Which of the following is not true about disinflation?
A)Disinflation is a substantial reduction in the rate of inflation
B)Disinflation results in low unemployment and high growth
C)Costs of disinflation are high
D)The central bank targets low inflation, not disinflation
If the central bank decides to respond to an expansionary gap through enforcing its inflation target, then:
A)The central bank tightens monetary policy, and aggregate demand shifts to the left
B)The central bank eases monetary policy, and aggregate demand shifts to the left
C)The central bank tightens monetary policy, and aggregate demand shifts to the right
D)The central bank eases monetary policy, and aggregate demand shifts to the right
If the central bank chooses to close a recessionary gap, then:
A)The central bank eases monetary policy, and aggregate supply shifts to the right
B)The central bank eases monetary policy, and aggregate demand shifts to the right
C)The central bank tightens monetary policy, and aggregate supply shifts to the left
D)The central bank tightens monetary policy, and aggregate demand shifts to the left
Anchored inflationary expectations refers to the fact that:
A)People's expectations of future inflation change if inflation rises temporarily
B)People's unchanging expectations exaggerate the response to an aggregate supply shock
C)People's unchanging expectations lengthen the time required to close a recessionary gap from a shock
D)People's expectations of future inflation do not change even if inflation rises temporarily
Core inflation excludes:
A)Energy and automobiles
B)Energy and capital goods
C)Energy and food
D)Energy and services
Which of the following factors affects the credibility of monetary policy?
A)Degree of central bank independence
B)The announcement of explicit inflation targets
C)Established reputation for fighting inflation
D)All of the above
A central bank that is not strongly committed to achieving and maintaining low inflation is known as:
A)An inflation dove
B)An inflation hawk
C)An inflation bird
D)None of the above
Which of the following is more successful in maintaining stable output and employment in the short and long run?
A)An inflation dove
B)An inflation hawk
C)An inflation bird
D)None of the above
A tax reduction:
A)Increases aggregate demand and decreases long run aggregate supply
B)Decreases aggregate demand and increases long run aggregate supply
C)Increases aggregate demand and increases long run aggregate supply
D)Decreases aggregate demand and decreases long run aggregate supply
A tax reduction that shifts the aggregate demand curve more than the long run aggregate supply curve results in:
A)Inflation decreasing
B)Inflation remaining constant
C)Inflation increasing
D)None of the above
The inside lag is:
A)Shorter for monetary policy than for fiscal policy
B)Longer for monetary policy than for fiscal policy
C)The delay between policy implementation and major policy effects
D)None of the above
Americans work more than Europeans because of all except which of the following?
A)US average work week is longer
B)Marginal interest rates are lower in the US
C)US has more generous social security systems
D)US has less unionization

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