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Multiple Choice Quiz
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Which of the following statements is/are true about Pareto efficiency?
  1. An outcome is most efficient when no change could be made to benefit one party without harming the other
  2. An outcome is most efficient when one person can be made better off without making anybody else worse off
  3. Market equilibrium price and quantity are considered to be efficient
  4. Maximizing the amount of work done regardless of the resources used is considered to be efficient
A)Statement 1 only
B)Statement 1, 2 and 3 only
C)Statement 1 and 3 only
D)All of the statements are true
In economics, a transaction cannot take place unless:
A)The consumer's reservation price is greater than the producer's reservation price
B)The producer's reservation price is greater than the consumer's reservation price
C)The consumer's reservation price is equal to the producer's reservation price
D)None of the above
Producer surplus is:
A)The difference between the price received by the buyer and his or her reservation price
B)The difference between the price received by the seller and the buyer's reservation price
C)The difference between the buyer's reservation price and the seller's reservation price
D)The difference between the price received by the seller and his or her reservation price
Total economic surplus is:
A)The area above the market price and below the demand curve
B)The area between the demand and supply curves up to the point of equilibrium
C)The area below the market price and above the supple curve
D)None of the above
Assume that Hala's reservation price for her laptop is $1,000, and Tala values it at $3,000. If Hala sells the laptop to Tala for $2,500, which of the following is true?
A)The total economic surplus is $1,500
B)The total economic surplus is $500
C)The total economic surplus is $4,000
D)The total economic surplus is $2,000
Assume that Mohammed has a car that he values at $10,000. If Saeed values the car at $13,000, which of the following is most likely to occur?
A)Mohammed and Saeed will not agree on a price and no exchange will occur
B)Mohammed will sell the car to Saeed at any price between $10,000 and $13,000 and both parties will benefit
C)Mohammed will sell the car for $9,000
D)Saeed will buy the car for $15,000
We have a socially optimal quantity when:
A)Keep expanding production until marginal cost equals marginal benefit
B)Keep expanding production as long as marginal cost exceeds marginal benefit
C)Keep expanding production as long as the total cost exceeds total benefit
D)Keep expanding production until total cost equals total benefit
Government intervention through price ceilings result in:
A)An increase in total economic surplus
B)A reduction in total economic surplus
C)Total economic surplus remaining the same
D)None of the above
Assume that an airplane of 30 seats has 35 reservations, with the highest passenger willingness to pay being $50. Assume also that willingness to pay decreases by $1 for each passenger until it reaches $16. Thus, the average willingness to pay is $33. If the airline uses a compensation approach rather than a first come first served approach to checking passengers in, then:
A)This results in the creation of a surplus of $75
B)This results in a loss of a surplus of $75
C)This results in the creation of a surplus of $90
D)This results in the creation of a surplus of $165
If the government is producing a good or a service, and its goal is to maximize total economic surplus, then:
A)Value of the last unit to the buyer should equal to the average cost of supplying the good or service
B)Value of the last unit to the buyer should equal to the total cost of supplying the good or service
C)Value of the last unit to the buyer should equal to the marginal cost of supplying the good or service
D)None of the above
If producer surplus is on the y-axis and equilibrium price is on the x-axis, then the curve representing the relationship between producer surplus and equilibrium price is:
A)Upward sloping
B)Downward sloping

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