Hillier, Corporate Finance 2e
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Student Edition
Instructor Edition
Corporate Finance: European Edition, 2/e

David Hillier, Strathclyde University
Stephen Ross, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Randolph Westerfield, University of Southern California
Jeffrey Jaffe, University of Pennsylvania
Bradford Jordan, University of Kentucky

ISBN: 0077139143
Copyright year: 2014

Feature Summary

Numerous new examples, cases and data looking at corporate finance in action at well-known international companies such as BSkyB, LinkedIn, Immarsat, BMW, Danone, Siemens and many more.

Practical Case Studies and Additional Reading which encourage independent data research and analysis.

Between 30 and 40 Questions and problems per chapter which are tagged by topic and difficulty, many of which are brand new for this edition.

Each chapter has a new Exam Question designed to take 45 minutes to complete as well as a Mini Case which presents a scenario and questions to test material learned.

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