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Student Edition
Instructor Edition
The Economics of European Integration, 5/e

Richard Baldwin, Graduate Institute of International Studies
Charles Wyplosz, Graduate Institute of International Studies

ISBN: 0077169654
Copyright year: 2015

Table of Contents

Part I
History, Facts and Institutions

1 History
2 Facts, law, institutions and the budget
3 Decision making

Part II
The Microeconomics of European Integration

4 Essential microeconomic tools
5 The essential economics of preferential liberalization
6 Market size and scale effects
7 Growth effects and factor market integration
8 Economic integration, labour markets and migration

Part III
EU Micro Policies

9 The common agricultural policy
10 Location effects, economic geography and regional policy
11 EU competition and state aid policy
12 EU trade policy

Part IV
The Macroeconomics of Monetary Integration

13 Essential macroeconomic tools
14 Essential facts of monetary integration
15 Optimum currency areas

Part V
EU Monetary and Fiscal Policies

16 The European monetary union
17 Fiscal policy and the Stability Pact
18 The financial markets and the euro
19 The Eurozone in crisis


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