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Web Links
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There is a wealth of content on the EU on the web, which can be readily located via a search engine. The links below are an indication of what is available for topics relating to Chapter 13.

General Sites on Exchange Rate Regimes

The IMF presents up-to-date evaluations of exchange rate policies:

To find out about the exchange rate regime of a particular country, visit its central bank’s website. The list of all central bank websites is at:

Sites and documents specifically on the choice of exchange rate regimes

See the free-to-download book from the Bank of England, The Choice of Exchange Rate Regime by Tony Latter:

See especially the page on 'Exchange Rate Regime for Emerging Markets: "Middle" Regimes or "Corner" Solutions?':

For a historical perspective, see 'Exchange Rate Regime Choice in Historical Perspective' by Michael Bordo, NBER Working Paper No. w9654:

Also see the December 2002 paper by Eichengreen, 'Lessons of the Euro for the Rest of the World':

General sites on international macroeconomics

The companion website to the intermediate macro text by Burda and Wyplosz:

The website for the introductory textbook Macroeconomics by Manfred Gärtner is a very useful site. It includes:
- free macro data on 19 macroeconomic time series for 19 countries:

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