There is a wealth of content on the EU on the web, which can be readily located via a search engine. The links below are an indication of what is available for topics relating to Chapter 14. General Sites
A glossary of monetary terms
A page with many links to monetary history pages
About monetary policies. of money
For a whole online book on bimetallism (note the date), see The History of Bimetallism in the United States, by J. Laurence Laughlin, D. Appleton and Co. New York, 1898.
The title says it all: The Bretton Woods International Monetary System: An Historical Overview by leading economic historian Michael D. Bordo Sites on the European Monetary System
The European Parliament’s fact sheet, a concise summary:
Mundell's own recollection and appraisal: and documents on the ERM-II
Most of the Central and Eastern European countries that are joining the EU in 2004 want to join Euroland as soon as possible and their central banks have begun preparing the ground; if you are interested in a particular nation, see the website of its central bank. Here is a page with links to them:
The ECB's annual evaluation of non-euro area members of the EU: and documents on the EMU
A page from the European Union on the history of EMU
'From Rome to Maastricht: a brief history of EMU' |