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Web Links
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There is a wealth of content on the EU on the web, which can be readily located via a search engine. The links below are an indication of what is available for topics relating to Chapter 16.

General Sites

The ECB’s public relations website on the euro – lots of general and specific information presented in a slick and well-written format (in a dozen languages!)

For a higher, deeper treatment, you can scout around the ECB’s main website. It has a wealth of material on current conditions and many academic studies concerning Europe’s Economic and Monetary Union (EMU).

The Commission's presentation of the monetary union:

Glossary on the ECB

European University Institute

Historical interest

The Treaty of Maastricht

Latest information

The President of the ECB reports every quarter to the Committee of Economic and Monetary Affairs of the European Parliament. The transcripts of the meetings, termed 'Monetary Dialogue', as well as background reports, can be found at:

Public opinion on the euro:

A website dedicated to EONIA and interest rates in the euro area:

Annual reports on the ECB by academic observers: 'Monitoring the ECB', published by the Centre for Economic Policy Research:

Enlargement of the Monetary Union Balanced by this very anti-euro UK site - opinionated but well done

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