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1The financial services industry lends and borrows money. Since the ability of the borrower to repay the loan depends upon future events, risk is a key feature of this industry.

2Banks are financial institutions that receive deposits from individuals and firms and then make loans to individuals and firms.

3Insurance companies are not financial institutions since they do not take-in deposits.

4A primary function of the financial services industry is to channel the economy’s savings into good investments.

5Another important function of the financial services industry is to correctly evaluate the true risk of various investments and to reward lenders for the risk.

6Asymmetric information is unavoidable and it tends to undermine the development of financial institutions and markets; this is one of the main reasons why financial transactions are heavily regulated in almost all nations.

7Prior to the introduction of the euro, France and Germany had separate currencies; this acted as a barrier to trade in financial services since:
A)tariffs made it more expensive to lend across international borders.
B)French and German banks colluded to divide the market between them.
C)the fact that the exchange rate could change made it extra risky for a lender based in one currency to lend to a borrower based in another; thus foreign banks typically would have to charge more for loans than local banks.
D)All of the above.

8European banks have tended to merge with other banks in the same nation, rather than merging across international lines. Nevertheless:
A)competition can rise since banks have the right to make intra-EU loans and the introduction of the euro has made this less risky.
B)financial markets are replacing banks as a source of loans for companies.
C)the result has been a big increase in collusion among banks.
D)None of the above.

9European stock markets are:
A)a way for medium and large companies to raise capital.
B)marked by a ‘home market bias’, i.e. European stock market investors tend to mainly buy stocks listed on their national stock market.
C)becoming more integrated due to the euro.
D)All of the above.

10In the 19th century, Sterling was the undisputed international currency. Sterling was displaced by the:
A)Japanese yen
B)US dollar

11A vehicle currency is one that is used to denominate ________ and _______ transactions, even when the currency is not that of either party in the transaction.
A)capital, labour market
B)trade, financial
C)car, truck
D)None of the above.

12The role of the euro as a vehicle currency has increased when it comes to _______, _______ and _______, but not that much when it comes to _______ since the dollar seems firmly entrenched as the leading currency.
A)trade, foreign exchange markets, bonds, international reserves
B)international reserves, trade, foreign exchange markets, corporate bonds
C)stocks, bonds, mortgages, trade
D)imports, exports, foreign direct investment, trade.

13A parallel currency is one that circulates inside a country in addition to the national currency. At the moment the dollar is the main parallel currency, but the euro is an important parallel currency in ________, ________ and ________.
A)Asia, Australia, Canada.
B)central and eastern Europe, Russia, parts of Sub-Saharan Africa
C)Asia, Australia, New Zealand
D)Canada, Australia, New Zealand

14The introduction of the euro led to a rapid integration of _______ markets, but not _______ markets in euro area.
A)land, labour
B)labour, capital
C)bond, stock
D)land, mortgage

15Capital integration that triggers capital flows from capital-rich to capital-poor countries:
A)Hurts capital-owners in the capital-rich country.
B)Hurts workers in the capital-poor country.
C)Lowers welfare in the capital-rich country.
D)Raises total welfare in both countries.

16The fact that borrowers usually know more about their own risk than lenders is a source of information asymmetry.

17The key requirement of the 2013 version of the Basel III measures adopted by the Basel Committee that the EU made were:
A)Bank capital
D)Leverage ratio
E)Liquidity ratio

18Under the new Supervisory Resolution Mechanism (SRM) funding for any cash injection will be provided by a new resolution fund to which banks will contribute starting in 2016 and ending in 2024.

19A vehicle currency is used in currency trading to increase the amount of bilateral currency trading and thus induce growth.

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